On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 12:05 PM, Niphlod <niph...@gmail.com> wrote:
> uhm. Before smashing heads against the wall, there are 3 different
> "available methods" here.....
> 1) rely on nginx to authenticate users through pam (kinda of a basic auth,
> but checked against PAM)
> 2) rely on uwsgi to authenticate users through pam (kinda of a basic auth,
> but checked against PAM)
> 3) rely on web2py module to authenticate users through pam

Yes, this is my understanding as well.

> You want the users to reach web2py no matter what, and let the
> authentication happen using "web2py's logic".... assuming that the only
> thing you want is not having the username/password combos checked against a
> table in web2py's database but against PAM's database.

Yes, this is what we are trying to do. To reiterate: we always want to
provide access to web2py, and through web2py's auth (using a username
and password form) we want to authenticate using PAM in the backend.

> Unless I understood it wrong, apache and rocket work. This means (if you
> didn't mess with apache configs) that 3) works "out of the box"
> What it seems by your config is that you're trying to do 2), i.e. stopping
> users "one step before", letting uwsgi interact deal pam
> authentication......that is a different thing. Do you want 1), 2) or 3) ?

My config is not doing 1 or 2, you may be confused by the fact that I
provided an /etc/pam.d/uwsgi configuration, and specified pam in the
uwsgi configuration.

Here's what I _think_ is going on (though my understanding is spotty at best).

* nginx is serving a python application using uwsgi
* nginx is properly configured, I can access the site and the web2py
app shows up
* web2py is running in the context of uwsgi (and thus inherits its permissions)
* web2py has a pam auth module that loads a pam library, attempts to
connect to pam and authenticate with the credentials provided

after all of those steps, I get the messages in my auth.log that I
posted above, indicating to me that whatever user is trying to
authenticate with pam doesn't actually have the rights to authenticate
against the /etc/shadow file. That was my intention with playing
around with /etc/pam.d/uwsgi config file, etc.


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