Can you post a simpler example (including mode) to reproduce the problem? 
Looks like the field in the table has a validator which requires an upload.

On Friday, 5 April 2013 11:06:52 UTC-5, Ramos wrote:
> hello, i´m using a sqlform.factory to edit a record.
> The form is prepopulated using this code
> row=db((
>         if row:
>             for field in row:
>                 if field in db.trabalhador.fields:
>                     print "setting -",row[field] ," on ",field 
>                     db.trabalhador[field].default=row[field]
> one of the fields is a required upload field.
> The rest of the code
>     form=SQLFORM.factory(db.trabalhador,db.t_docs,
>         submit_button="Gravar",
> fields=['nome','bi','ncart','ncartval','rfid','apt_medica','apt_medicaval','val_formacao','f_doc'],
>         table_name='trabalhador',
>         upload=URL('download')
>         )        
>     empresa=request.vars['id'] or empresa    
>     extra_but = TR(DIV(A(I(_name='but',_class='icon-camera icon-white'),' 
> Tirar foto',_class="btn btn-primary",_id ="but")))
>     extra_fp_url = 
> TR(DIV(INPUT(_name='fp_url',_type='hidden',_id='fpurl')))
>     extra_Aptidao = TR(DIV(A(I(_name='but',_class='icon-file 
> icon-white'),' ',_class="btn 
> btn-primary"),_onclick="location.href='"+URL(f='download', 
> args=form.vars.apt_medica)+"'"))
>     form[0].insert(-4,extra_Aptidao) 
>     form[0].insert(-1,extra_but)
>     form[0].insert(-1,extra_fp_url)
>  if form.process().accepted: 
>         print "accepted form to save or update"
>         print form.vars 
> When i edit a record i see the upload file. But if i do not change the 
> upload and save the record i get the error asking me to add the upload file.
> I need some help on this.
> Thank you


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