Hey Ricardo! Thanks very much for this and apologies for my tardy reply.  I 
got pulled away onto other things and just now got back to testing it.  It 
works beautifully.

On Saturday, March 16, 2013 10:16:28 PM UTC-4, Ricardo Pedroso wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Michael Ellis 
> <michael...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > I've got an application that accepts JSON test reports from remote 
> systems 
> > and displays them in a SQLFORM grid with the most recent reports first. 
>  The 
> > controller and view for what the user sees is essentially the following: 
> > 
> > def test_report_manage(): 
> >     """ Controller for Reports page """ 
> >     ... 
> >     form = SQLFORM.grid( ... ) 
> >     return locals() 
> > 
> > VIEW 
> > ... 
> > {=form} 
> > ... 
> > 
> > The JSON controller is separate from the above.  It merely validates and 
> > inserts new report records.  The reports arrive at random intervals.  My 
> > client has asked for the page to automatically update when new reports 
> > arrive.  What's the cleanest way to go about this, bearing in mind that 
> this 
> > functionality is mainly intended for demonstration purposes at a trade 
> show? 
> > 
> The easiest way is to poll. Something like this: 
> ==== controllers ====== 
> def test_report_manage(): 
>     """ Controller for Reports page """ 
>     ... 
>     return dict(poll_interval=2000)  # poll at 2 secs intervals 
>                                                  # if None, don't poll 
> def test_report_manage_poll(): 
>     form = SQLFORM.grid( ... ) 
>     return form 
> ==== view for test_report_manage controller) ===== 
> <p> 
> <a href="#" class="btn btn-small btn-success" 
>             onclick="refresh_grid();return false"><i 
>                 class="icon-refresh icon-white"></i>Refresh</a> 
> </p> 
> {{ =LOAD(f='test_report_manage_poll', ajax=False, ajax_trap=True, 
> target="grid_component") }} 
> <script> 
> var refresh_grid = function() { 
>     web2py_component("{{ =URL(f='test_report_manage_poll') 
> }}","grid_component"); 
> } 
> $(document).ready(function() { 
>     {{ if poll_interval is not None: }} 
>     setInterval(refresh_grid, {{ =poll_interval }}); 
>     {{ pass }} 
> }); 
> </script> 
> Regards 
> Ricardo 


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