currently not but it is planned to be configurable (at the very minimum, 

Your method BTW works only if all the table is shown, doesn't take into 
account a possible condition passed to the grid (such as db.table.user_id 
== auth.user_id) or keyword queries.

I'll start working on that as soon as possible, shouldn't be hard.....
Talking about "extensibility", what you'd like to pass as a parameter ?
I'm thinking to allow:
 - a callable (to which query and keywords are passed) --> you can pass the 
result of your custom query in this case, just watch out for the 
shortcomings explained earlier
 - an integer (which will trigger the "cache this count" for n seconds)

Would that be enough?

On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 12:58:27 PM UTC+2, Johann Spies wrote:
> By large datasets I mean a database of which one of the tables contain 
> more than 42 million records.
> Using SQLFORM.grid on such a dataset is very slow because the process 
> wants to count the total number of records.
> I am using Postgresql.  I can get an estimated size of the table by 
> replacing count(*) with 
> # SELECT reltuples::integer FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 
> 'isi.ritem'::regclass;
>  reltuples
> -----------
>   42183232
> (1 row)
> And I get the result in a fraction of a second. When working on such a 
> scale the exact number of rows (count is also not always accurate on an 
> active database) is not a necessity.
> Is there a way I can replace the count(*) in the grid with the query 
> illustrated above?
> Regards
> Johann
> -- 
> Because experiencing your loyal love is better than life itself, 
> my lips will praise you.  (Psalm 63:3)


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