I am using a python script to organize some data and try to send it into 
web2py via the @request.restful() api.  In the python script the text is 
mainly input from a free form text field.  ( I believe some Unicode 
characters are in there as well, however I remove everything that is ord 
128 and above.) 

My problem arises when the text contains an ampersand (&) and probably 
anything that isn't allowed in without the form encoding.  I thought python 
json would escape the character some way but it does not seem to.

I am trying to use json to transfer this data to web2py via the curl 
command within python.

Python Script

import json
import subprocess

url = ''
data = {"name":"My Full Name","biography":"Some simple information\n about 
me & blah blah blah"}

jsondata = json.dumps(data)
result = subprocess.Popen(['curl',
   url], stderr=subprocess.PIPE,stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]

The web2py relevant parts




def api():
    response.view = 'generic.' + request.extension
    def POST(table_name,**vars):
        if table_name == 'people':
            return db.people.validate_and_insert(**vars)
            raise HTTP(400)
    return locals()

So when the python script sends the data web2py complains because of the 
escaping issue with the & in the data.  I was doing some searching and 
thought that changing the Content Type in the curl command to 
application/json would help with this but then web2py has nothing in the 
vars variable.

Thank you,


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