On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 10:01 AM, BlueShadow <kevin.bet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did now and I can't import it in python:
> ImportError: No module named gubby

Dont know if is a copy paste typo, but is guppy not gubby


Since you are using cache.disk,
the cache file is simply a shelve file you can inspect it with

from datetime import datetime
import shelve

items = shelve.open('cache.shelve')

stats = None
for item in items.items():
    #print key, ts, repr(content[:50])
    if item[0] == 'web2py_cache_statistics':
        stats = repr(item)
        key, (ts, content) = item
        print key, "%s(%s)" % (datetime.fromtimestamp(ts), ts),
len(content), repr(content[:20])

if stats:
    print stats

run this script inside you app/cache folder



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