> I didn't say there were ORM features in the DAL, just that it includes 
> features that you might otherwise expect to find in an ORM 

Well, it seems like a semantic-issue. DAL and ORM are pretty abstract-terms.
Here is how interpret them:
DAL - A way to construct schemas and queries without writing SQL or DBAPI 
ORM - A way to construct domain-models using a DAL in a statefull manner.

The DAL is a way of saying:
"Hey, here's a bunch of objects and methods, please generate an SQL out of 
them, send them to the database for me and give me results"

The ORM is a way of saying:
"Hey, here's a bunch of classes and attributes, please wire them up so 
their instances would communicate their state to each other, optimizing my 
transaction-operations for me as I use them"

Generally, as Massimo confirmed, the DAL is purely stateless.
It only returns dictionary-like immediate-results.

...migrations, automatic file uploads/retrieval, recursive selects, 
> automatic results serialization into HTML, virtual fields, computed fields, 
> validators, field representations, field labels, field comments, table 
> labels, list:-type fields, JSON fields, export to CSV, smart queries, 
> callbacks, record versioning, common fields, multi-tenancy, common filters, 
> GAE support, and MongoDB support?

That's a mouth-full...
Let's brake it down, shell we?:

*Multi-Tenancy, Common-Filters, Smart-Queries:*
These are SQL-related features - meaning, DAL-features, not ORM ones. 

*Common Fields, **Automatic-Migrations, CSV/HTML/XML-Exports:*
These are schema-related features - meaning, DAL/framework-features, not 
ORM ones
*Labels, Comments:*
These are schema-metadata-related features - meaning, DAL-features, not ORM 

Target database-support is a low-level DAL-feature - The DAL may or may not 
support specific targets - but it's not an ORM feature.

*JSON/List fields:*
These are database-related feaatures - they are adapters for data-types 
that may or may not be supported in your target-database.
The DAL may or may not support them, but they are not ORM features either 

*Validators, Upload/Retrieval, **Record-Versioning, Callbacks, Record-**
These are not DAL *nor *ORM features - they are framework-features. They 
are input/output adapters.
It is a way of saying: "Hey, when you get results back, run them through 
these operations".

*Virtual/Computed fields:*
These are kinda-tricky to classify.

Computed-Fields are for automating input-transformations. They are a way of 
"Hey, take these values that I'm *already** inserting to *these other 
fields, *run them through this function*, and *store the result in* that 
other field."

Virtual-Fields are for automating output-transformations. They are a way of 
"Hey, take these values that I'm *already **getting from* these other 
fields, *run them through this function*, and *produce the results as* that 
other field".

The distinctions between these features vs. the ORM-equivalent ones, are 
quite subtle and illusive, but profound.

The first difference is of scope - Virtual/Computed-fields can only be 
applied to other fields of the same Table.
In (some) ORMs they are not, because an ORM class does not necessarily have 
to be a 1:1 representation of a table.
The whole point of an ORM is to be able to construct "domain-models", not 
mere class-forms of Table-descriptions.
In the DAL, Virtual/Computed-fields can NOT generate implicit calls to 

The second difference is of statelessness-vs-statfullness - The DAL is 
stateless, so it can-not give values from a previous query.
ORMs are statefull in nature, so:
- For output, Virtual-fields can use *values **already stored* in those *
other-field's* cache, and *not even query* the database.
- For input, Computed-Fields can use* values **already stored* in those *
other-field's* cache, and *not even insert* them to the database.
The DAL is stateless in nature, so:
- For output, Virtual-fields *must* *query **values* from those *other-field
*, in order to invoke the functionality of the automated-output.
- For input, Computed-Fields *must insert values* to those *other fields,* in 
order to invoke the functionality of the automated-input.
** There is also cache for the DAL, but it's time-based, and not 
As for *Lazy*-virtual-fields, they are not the sort of laziness that an ORM 
has - it's a deferred-execution of the automation that is defined to run on 
the records *after* the query has returned. In ORMs there are 
deferred-queries for laziness.
The documentation on this feature is not cleat - it seems that it generates 
queries on your behalf, but is only useful for single-record queries, as 
it's like an Active-Record pattern - it doesn't do any transaction-level 
operation-optimizations within loops (as there are non deferred-queries).

But if you use an ORM built on top of the DAL, you won't be using the DAL 
> API anyway, so what would you miss? Or are you saying you would still want 
> to use the DAL for a significant portion of code and only move to the ORM 
> for select parts of the application?

As many SQLA-talks explain, the use of an ORM is rarely a viable 
"replacement" for a DAL - it is a supplement.
It's not just a matter of domain-modeling that is *not needed* or *unfit* for 
some use-cases - but rather a DAL should be using *within* domain-model-classes 
to define complex-queries.
Good ORMs are not implementing an Active-Record pattern (at least not 
exclusively), so it should not be used as a schema-modeler only (or at 
all), but as a class for defining higher-level constructs with attributes 
derived from complex queries. 


> Anyway, it may nevertheless be a useful exercise to start by using SQLA 
> for some project just to see if it really delivers on the promises you 
> believe it is making.

Or read the documentation and some SQLA forums... :) 


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