Finally, I keep working on it. I will suggest to add a few other
Still testing and then posting it.


On 6 mai, 18:34, mdipierro <> wrote:
> Can you please email me the modified file? Thanks.
> On May 6, 10:45 am, NicolasB <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am using memcache to hold query directly:
> > db((,cache=(cache.mem,100))
> > Web2py creates a key with the query. However memcache does not seem to
> > support spaces.
> > I modified web2py_src_1.61.4\web2py\gluon\contrib\memcache\
> > to format the key
> > I don't know if this is the best way to do...
> > Best regards,
> > Nicolas
> > from gluon.contrib.memcache.memcache import Client
> > import time
> > """
> > examle of usage:
> > cache.memcache=MemcacheClient(request,[],debug=true)
> > """
> > import cPickle as pickle
> > class MemcacheClient(Client):
> >     def __init__(self, request, servers, debug=0, pickleProtocol=0,
> >                  pickler=pickle.Pickler, unpickler=pickle.Unpickler,
> >                  pload=None, pid=None):
> >         self.request=request
> >         Client.__init__(self,servers,debug,pickleProtocol,
> >                         pickler,unpickler,pload,pid)
> >     def __call__(self,key,f,time_expire=300):
> >         key=self.__keyFormat__(key)
> >         dt=time_expire
> >         value=None
> >         obj=self.get(key)
> >         if obj and obj[0]>time.time()-dt:
> >             value=obj[1]
> >         elif f is None:
> >             if obj: self.delete(key)
> >         else:
> >             value=f()
> >             self.set(key,(time.time(),value))
> >         return value
> >     def increment(self,key,value=1):
> >         key=self.__keyFormat__(key)
> >         obj=self.get(key)
> >         if obj: value=obj[1]+value
> >         self.set(key,(time.time(),value))
> >         return value
> >     def __keyFormat__(self,key):
> >         return '%s/%s' % (self.request.application,key.replace('
> > ','_'))
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