Yeah, I'll try your suggestion and see what happens:

{{=A('click for more information', _href=URL("search_results", args=[
'myCallback', 1]))}}

On Friday, May 24, 2013 1:51:59 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> So why not use a single function (e.g., search_results), and just pass all 
> the other information as URL args? In the search_results function, you can 
> read the request.args and deliver the appropriate results accordingly.
> Anthony
> On Friday, May 24, 2013 1:47:24 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>> I wanted to display a resultset using the same view template. To be more 
>> specific, we can take an online store example:
>> A navbar will consist of several main links which are categories. A list 
>> of subcategory links will show up if you hover over a category link.
>> When a user clicks on a subcategory, all products associated with that 
>> category+subcategory will be displayed in the main html body.
>> When a user clicks on a category, all subcategories associated with that 
>> category will be displayed in the main html body. A user can then click on 
>> a subcategory and then it will refer to the scenario above (rendering its 
>> respective products).
>> For a category, this is an example anchor link:
>> {{=A(, _href=URL('category_nav_callback', args=1))}} and 
>> the resulting URL should be 'default/search_results/category/1'
>> For a subcategory, this is an example anchor link:
>> {{=A(, _href=URL('subcategory_nav_callback', 
>> args=[1,1]))}} and the resulting URL should be 
>> 'default/search_results/category/1/subcategory/1'
>> From there, their respective callback functions in the controller would 
>> manipulate the database to get an eventual result set. 
>> To display these results, I wanted to use a generic template view 
>> (search_results.html) and pass a resultset to it and it would render it on 
>> that page.
>> In the future, I may want to add in new links (like genre or favorites), 
>> and then I can reuse the search_results template to display the results.
>> Maybe I overcomplicated this too much? I could just create individual 
>> search pages like this:
>> {{=A(, _href=URL('searchCategory', args=1))}}
>> {{=A(, _href=URL('searchSubcategory', args=[1,1]))}}
>> and then in controllers:
>> def searchCategory():
>>     # do stuff
>>     return dict(resultSet=resultSet)
>> def searchSubcategory():
>>     # do stuff
>>     return dict(resultSet=resultSet)
>> And I could create their views in both searchCategory.html and 
>> searchSubcategory.html:
>> {{for i in resultSet:}}
>>     # do stuff
>> {{pass}}
>> But it seems like a lot of repetitive work, although it is probably the 
>> easier approach?
>> On Friday, May 24, 2013 12:33:33 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>> It might be helpful if you explain what you're really trying to do. Do 
>>> you want users to be able to click different links that all point to the 
>>> /search_results page, but with different types of searches done depending 
>>> on the link? In that case, why not something like:
>>> {{=A('click for more information', _href=URL("search_results", args=[
>>> 'myCallback', 1]))}}
>>> def search_results():
>>>     if request.args(0) == 'myCallback':
>>>         resultSet = myCallback(request.args(1))
>>>     ...
>>>     return dict(resultSet=resultSet)
>>> def myCallback(someId):
>>>     return db(...)
>>> Of course, in this simple example there's no need for the separate 
>>> myCallback function, but I assume you want to have multiple such functions 
>>> with more complexity. The idea is to send all the requests to the 
>>> search_results function, and use the request.args to identify the type of 
>>> results, and potentially dispatch to external functions to generate those 
>>> results.
>>> Anthony
>>> On Friday, May 24, 2013 11:42:46 AM UTC-4, wrote:
>>>> Thanks, however I just noticed in the original code that I had 
>>>> incorrectly written the callback function as "myButton()". It should have 
>>>> been "myCallback()". I modified the code:
>>>> def search_results():
>>>>     div = DIV(.....)
>>>>     response.view = 'default/search_results.html'
>>>>     return dict(div=div)
>>>> def myCallback():
>>>>      someId = request.args(0)
>>>>      resultSet = db(....)
>>>>      return search_results(resultSet)
>>>> Sorry about the confusion. This way works, but after clicking the 
>>>> button, it displays the resultSet on a page with the URL 
>>>> "default/myCallback/1". I wanted it to be something like 
>>>> "default/search_results/1". 
>>>> But web2py follows this pattern to URLs: 
>>>> /[application]/[controller]/f
>>>> So 'f' would be the "myCallback" since it's the function that was 
>>>> called when you clicked on the button. I thought a redirect would fix it 
>>>> since I would be directing the controller function to search_results, and 
>>>> then the URL would be correct. What I couldn't figure out was how to pass 
>>>> data from the callback function to the redirected function.
>>>> Is there a way to fix this using what you suggested or is there a 
>>>> better way to do this (given the fixed code)?
>>>> On Thursday, May 23, 2013 6:22:52 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>>>> But presumably the myButton() function does not have its own view 
>>>>> given that it was originally written to always redirect to another URL. 
>>>>> In 
>>>>> that case, why not just make the myButton.html view render the search 
>>>>> results as desired? If you want a search_results.html view to be used 
>>>>> from 
>>>>> multiple functions, that's no problem either -- here are three options:
>>>>> def search_results(resultSet):
>>>>>     div = DIV(.....)
>>>>>     response.view = 'default/search_results.html'
>>>>>     return dict(div=div)
>>>>> So, any time the search_results() function is called by another 
>>>>> function, it sets the view to search_results.html. Or, you can set the 
>>>>> view 
>>>>> within the calling function:
>>>>> def myButton():
>>>>>     someId = request.args(0)
>>>>>     resultSet = db(....)
>>>>>     response.view = 'default/search_results.html'
>>>>>     return search_results(resultSet)
>>>>> Or you could include the search_results view in another view. For 
>>>>> example, in myButton.html, you can do:
>>>>> {{extend 'layout.html'}}
>>>>> {{include 'default/search_results.html'}}
>>>>> Anthony
>>>>> On Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:02:29 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>>>>>> search_results() will have to be exposed since I want to display the 
>>>>>> results on a different page (in search_results.html). I think returning 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> div using your suggestion would still be on the same page?
>>>>>> On Thursday, May 23, 2013 3:38:17 PM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
>>>>>>> Why do you need to redirect at all? You can just call the 
>>>>>>> search_results() function directly from the myButton() function:
>>>>>>> def search_results(resultSet):
>>>>>>>     div = DIV(.....)
>>>>>>>     return dict(div=div)
>>>>>>> def myButton():
>>>>>>>     someId = request.args(0)
>>>>>>>     resultSet = db(....)
>>>>>>>     return search_results(resultSet)
>>>>>>> If the search_results() function is needed in other controllers, you 
>>>>>>> could define it in a model file or in a module and import it. Note, 
>>>>>>> functions that take arguments (as search_results does above) are not 
>>>>>>> exposed as actions accessible via URL -- they are for internal use only 
>>>>>>> (same for a function that begins with a double underscore, even if it 
>>>>>>> doesn't take any arguments).
>>>>>>> Anthony
>>>>>>> On Thursday, May 23, 2013 2:51:24 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>>>>>>>> In my views, I have:
>>>>>>>> {{=A('click for more information', _href=URL("myCallback", args=[1
>>>>>>>> ]))}}
>>>>>>>> When the anchor button is clicked, my callback will do some lookup 
>>>>>>>> and processing in the db, and then will redirect to a new page 
>>>>>>>> populated 
>>>>>>>> with the new information:
>>>>>>>> def search_results():
>>>>>>>>     resultSet = request.args(0)
>>>>>>>>     # Build HTML helpers using resultSet
>>>>>>>>     div = DIV(.....)
>>>>>>>>     return dict(div=div)
>>>>>>>> def myButton():
>>>>>>>>      # Figure out the id from the request
>>>>>>>>      someId = request.args(0)
>>>>>>>>      # get some data from db using the id
>>>>>>>>      resultSet = db(....)
>>>>>>>>      # want to redirect to another page with the new data in the 
>>>>>>>> resultSet
>>>>>>>>     redirect(URL('search_results', args=resultSet))
>>>>>>>> But doing the redirect with the resultSet args will screw up the 
>>>>>>>> URL and I'll end up with an invalid request. 
>>>>>>>> I've thought of two ways around this:
>>>>>>>> 1) Create a temporary session variable and store the resultSet 
>>>>>>>> there. Once I'm done with the data, I'll explicitly clear it.
>>>>>>>> 2) Instead of doing the database logic in the callback, pass the id 
>>>>>>>> to the search_results() and do the database logic there.
>>>>>>>> I'm hesitant to adopt the first option because it seems messy to 
>>>>>>>> create a bunch of session variables for temporary things (unless this 
>>>>>>>> is 
>>>>>>>> standard practice?).
>>>>>>>> The second option seems okay, but I'm afraid that the code will 
>>>>>>>> become too specific to that particular anchor tag. That is, if I 
>>>>>>>> create a 
>>>>>>>> new anchor tag to do some other search, the database logic may be 
>>>>>>>> different 
>>>>>>>> than the one inside the search_results(). For this, I guess the better 
>>>>>>>> question should be if the database logic code should live in the 
>>>>>>>> callback 
>>>>>>>> function or in the target redirect controller function?
>>>>>>>> In spite of this, what would be the clean or proper way of sending 
>>>>>>>> data with a redirect from a callback function?


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