welll... this should work:


but insert returns a number (actually a Reference object) and therefore you 
cannot pass it to a dict as in:


Insert and validate returns a dict instead (containing the id and errors)

On Monday, 10 June 2013 16:15:51 UTC-5, Philipp Müller wrote:
> Thanks so much. This works for
> dict(db.someTable.validate_and_insert(**data))
> but for some reason not for
> dict(db.someTable.insert(**data))
> That's fine for me, I'm just wondering though.
> Btw: What exactly does ** do in this case?
> Thanks again and regards,
> Philipp
> Am Montag, 10. Juni 2013 23:02:36 UTC+2 schrieb Massimo Di Pierro:
>> return dict(db.someDatabase.insert(**data))
>> #or
>> return dict(db.someDatabase.validate_and_insert(**data))
>> On Monday, 10 June 2013 15:58:16 UTC-5, Philipp Müller wrote:
>>> So far, this seems to work fine. I struggle though when trying to write 
>>> this data in my database.
>>> I tried doing:
>>> data = sj.loads(request.body.read())
>>> #and later
>>> return dict(db.someDatabase.insert(data))
>>> #or
>>> return dict(db.someDatabase.validate_and_insert(data))
>>> for all of which I got the error message:
>>> insert() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)
>>> Any ideas on how to solve this would be highly appreciated.
>>> Regards,
>>> Philipp
>>> Am Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2012 11:23:09 UTC+2 schrieb Niphlod:
>>>> For future users reading this thread... this means that the Iphone sent 
>>>> the JSON object POSTing to the page directly in the data stream, without 
>>>> "the usual" form encoding. For that, you can access what has been posted 
>>>> "in raw format" with request.body.read().
>>>> PS: Keep the code small
>>>> import gluon.contrib.simplejson as sj  #just if you don't have 
>>>> simplejson in python path
>>>> #in that case "import simplejson as sj" works
>>>> data = sj.loads(request.body.read())
>>>> On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 9:22:13 AM UTC+2, Mchurch wrote:
>>>>> import gluon.contrib.simplejson
>>>>>     data = gluon.contrib.simplejson.loads(request.body.read())
>>>>> That was the trick....
>>>>> Thank You  Niphlod, You put me in the right direction.
>>>>> IOS + WEB2PY = beautiful combination!!
>>>>> Mchurch
>>>>> Il giorno mercoledì 24 ottobre 2012 09:01:40 UTC+2, Mchurch ha scritto:
>>>>>> Hi Niphlod, did You hope to be free of me so soon? :)
>>>>>> Looking at web2py errors, if i make a post request values are empty 
>>>>>> (not if i make a GET, but the final result is the same).
>>>>>> Using "CHARLES, web debugging proxy" i can see that data are 
>>>>>> dispatched with correct values and correct Content-Type 
>>>>>> (application/Json).
>>>>>> Im doing my best....
>>>>>> POST /Json/default/ricevo HTTP/1.1
>>>>>>  Host  Accept */*  Accept-Encoding gzip  
>>>>>> Content-Length 36  Accept-Language en, fr, de, ja, nl, it, es, pt, 
>>>>>> pt-PT, da, fi, nb, sv, ko, zh-Hans, zh-Hant, ru, pl, tr, uk, ar, hr, cs, 
>>>>>> el, he, ro, sk, th, id, ms, en-GB, ca, hu, vi, en-us;q=0.8  
>>>>>> Content-Type application/json; charset=utf-8  Connection keep-alive  
>>>>>> User-Agent mirko.json/1.0 (unknown, iPhone OS 6.0, iPhone Simulator, 
>>>>>> Scale/1.000000)
>>>>>> <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>(expected string or buffer)
>>>>>>> inspect attributes
>>>>>>>    - 
>>>>>>>    *Function argument list
>>>>>>>    *(self=<json.decoder.JSONDecoder object>, s=<Storage {}>, 
>>>>>>>    _w=<built-in method match of _sre.SRE_Pattern object>)
>>>>>>>    *Code listing
>>>>>>>    *
>>>>>>>    *Variables* 
>>>>>>>    - 
>>>>>>>    - 
>>>>>>> *Context*
>>>>>>> locals
>>>>>>> request
>>>>>>> session
>>>>>>> response
>>>>>>> locals
>>>>>>> *s*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <Storage {}>
>>>>>>> *self*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <json.decoder.JSONDecoder object>
>>>>>>> request
>>>>>>> *ajax*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *application*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Json
>>>>>>> *args*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *body*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <open file '<fdopen>', mode 'w+b' at 0x11c143c00>
>>>>>>> *client*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> *controller*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> default
>>>>>>> *cookies*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *env*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> *app_folders*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> set(['/Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py/applications/Json/', 
>>>>>>> '/Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py/applications/welcome/', 
>>>>>>> '/Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py/applications/admin/'])
>>>>>>> *applications_parent*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /.…../web2py
>>>>>>> *cmd_args*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *cmd_options*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <Values at 0x1104a53f8: {'verbose': False, 'ip': '', 
>>>>>>> 'shutdown_timeout': 5, 'taskbar': False, 'nocron': False, 
>>>>>>> 'pid_filename': 
>>>>>>> 'httpserver.pid', 'maxthreads': None, 'softcron': False, 'server_name': 
>>>>>>> 'marcos-', 'bpython': False, 'nogui': False, 'port': 8000, 'extcron': 
>>>>>>> False, 'debuglevel': 30, 'test': None, 'folder': 
>>>>>>> '/Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py', 'config': '', 'import_models': 
>>>>>>> False, 
>>>>>>> 'winservice': '', 'shell': None, 'run': '', 'log_filename': 
>>>>>>> 'httpserver.log', 'args': [''], 'socket_timeout': 1, 
>>>>>>> 'ssl_ca_certificate': 
>>>>>>> None, 'scheduler': None, 'profiler_filename': None, 'ssl_private_key': 
>>>>>>> '', 
>>>>>>> 'password': '<ask>', 'request_queue_size': 5, 'ssl_certificate': '', 
>>>>>>> 'cronjob': False, 'numthreads': None, 'quiet': False, 'interfaces': 
>>>>>>> None, 
>>>>>>> 'minthreads': None, 'timeout': 10, 'plain': False, 'nobanner': False}>
>>>>>>> *content_length*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 36
>>>>>>> *content_type*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> application/json; charset=utf-8
>>>>>>> *db_sessions*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> set([])
>>>>>>> *debugging*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *gluon_parent*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> ….web2py
>>>>>>> *http_accept*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> */*
>>>>>>> *http_accept_encoding*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> gzip
>>>>>>> *http_accept_language*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> en, fr, de, ja, nl, it, es, pt, pt-PT, da, fi, nb, sv, ko, zh-Hans, 
>>>>>>> zh-Hant, ru, pl, tr, uk, ar, hr, cs, el, he, ro, sk, th, id, ms, en-GB, 
>>>>>>> ca, 
>>>>>>> hu, vi, en-us;q=0.8
>>>>>>> *http_connection*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> keep-alive
>>>>>>> *http_content_length*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 36
>>>>>>> *http_content_type*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> application/json; charset=utf-8
>>>>>>> *http_host*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> *http_user_agent*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> mirko.json/1.0 (unknown, iPhone OS 6.0, iPhone Simulator, 
>>>>>>> Scale/1.000000)
>>>>>>> *is_jython*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *is_pypy*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *path_info*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /Json/default/ricevo
>>>>>>> *query_string*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *remote_addr*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> *remote_port*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 60150
>>>>>>> *request_method*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> POST
>>>>>>> *script_name*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *server_name*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> marcos-……
>>>>>>> *server_port*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 8000
>>>>>>> *server_protocol*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1
>>>>>>> *server_software*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Rocket 1.2.4
>>>>>>> *web2py_crontype*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> hard
>>>>>>> *web2py_path*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py
>>>>>>> *web2py_version*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>> 99
>>>>>>> 4
>>>>>>> datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 14, 14, 46, 14)
>>>>>>> stable
>>>>>>> *wsgi_errors*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <open file '<stderr>', mode 'w' at 0x10f7b2270>
>>>>>>> *wsgi_file_wrapper*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <class wsgiref.util.FileWrapper at 0x1103c1328>
>>>>>>> *wsgi_input*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <socket._fileobject object at 0x117971950>
>>>>>>> *wsgi_multiprocess*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *wsgi_multithread*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> True
>>>>>>> *wsgi_run_once*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *wsgi_url_scheme*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> http
>>>>>>> *wsgi_version*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>> *extension*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> html
>>>>>>> *folder*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py/applications/Json/
>>>>>>> *function*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> ricevo
>>>>>>> *get_vars*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *global_settings*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> *app_folders*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> set(['/Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py/applications/Json/', 
>>>>>>> '/Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py/applications/welcome/', 
>>>>>>> '/Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py/applications/admin/'])
>>>>>>> *applications_parent*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py
>>>>>>> *cmd_args*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *cmd_options*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <Values at 0x1104a53f8: {'verbose': False, 'ip': '', 
>>>>>>> 'shutdown_timeout': 5, 'taskbar': False, 'nocron': False, 
>>>>>>> 'pid_filename': 
>>>>>>> 'httpserver.pid', 'maxthreads': None, 'softcron': False, 'server_name': 
>>>>>>> '
>>>>>>> marcos-imac.homenet.telecomitalia.it', 'bpython': False, 'nogui': 
>>>>>>> False, 'port': 8000, 'extcron': False, 'debuglevel': 30, 'test': None, 
>>>>>>> 'folder': '/Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py', 'config': '', 
>>>>>>> 'import_models': False, 'winservice': '', 'shell': None, 'run': '', 
>>>>>>> 'log_filename': 'httpserver.log', 'args': [''], 'socket_timeout': 1, 
>>>>>>> 'ssl_ca_certificate': None, 'scheduler': None, 'profiler_filename': 
>>>>>>> None, 
>>>>>>> 'ssl_private_key': '', 'password': '<ask>', 'request_queue_size': 5, 
>>>>>>> 'ssl_certificate': '', 'cronjob': False, 'numthreads': None, 'quiet': 
>>>>>>> False, 'interfaces': None, 'minthreads': None, 'timeout': 10, 'plain': 
>>>>>>> False, 'nobanner': False}>
>>>>>>> *db_sessions*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> set([])
>>>>>>> *debugging*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *gluon_parent*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /Users/marcoMchurch/Sites/web2py
>>>>>>> *is_jython*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *is_pypy*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *web2py_crontype*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> hard
>>>>>>> *web2py_version*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>> 99
>>>>>>> 4
>>>>>>> datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 14, 14, 46, 14)
>>>>>>> stable
>>>>>>> *is_https*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *is_local*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> True
>>>>>>> *is_restful*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *now*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 23, 23, 37, 12, 447022)
>>>>>>> *post_vars*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *url*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /Json/default/ricevo
>>>>>>> *utcnow*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> datetime.datetime(2012, 10, 23, 21, 37, 12, 447035)
>>>>>>> *uuid*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Json/
>>>>>>> *vars*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *wsgi*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> *environ*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 36
>>>>>>> *CONTENT_TYPE*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> application/json; charset=utf-8
>>>>>>> *HTTP_ACCEPT*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> */*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> gzip
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> en, fr, de, ja, nl, it, es, pt, pt-PT, da, fi, nb, sv, ko, zh-Hans, 
>>>>>>> zh-Hant, ru, pl, tr, uk, ar, hr, cs, el, he, ro, sk, th, id, ms, en-GB, 
>>>>>>> ca, 
>>>>>>> hu, vi, en-us;q=0.8
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> keep-alive
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 36
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> application/json; charset=utf-8
>>>>>>> *HTTP_HOST*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> mirko.json/1.0 (unknown, iPhone OS 6.0, iPhone Simulator, 
>>>>>>> Scale/1.000000)
>>>>>>> *PATH_INFO*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> /Json/default/ricevo
>>>>>>> *QUERY_STRING*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *REMOTE_ADDR*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> *REMOTE_PORT*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 60150
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> POST
>>>>>>> *SCRIPT_NAME*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>   *SERVER_NAME*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> marcos-……
>>>>>>> *SERVER_PORT*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 8000
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> HTTP/1.1
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> Rocket 1.2.4
>>>>>>> *wsgi.errors*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <open file '<stderr>', mode 'w' at 0x10f7b2270>
>>>>>>> *wsgi.file_wrapper*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <class wsgiref.util.FileWrapper at 0x1103c1328>
>>>>>>> *wsgi.input*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> <open file '<fdopen>', mode 'w+b' at 0x11c143c00>
>>>>>>> *wsgi.multiprocess*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *wsgi.multithread*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> True
>>>>>>> *wsgi.run_once*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> False
>>>>>>> *wsgi.url_scheme*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> http
>>>>>>> *wsgi.version*
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>> IN FILE: 
>>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>> 2.
>>>>>>> 3.
>>>>>>> 4.
>>>>>>> 5.
>>>>>>> 6.
>>>>>>> 7.
>>>>>>> 8.
>>>>>>> 9.
>>>>>>> 10.
>>>>>>> 11.
>>>>>>> 12.
>>>>>>> 13.
>>>>>>> 14.
>>>>>>> 15.
>>>>>>> 16.
>>>>>>> 17.
>>>>>>> 18.
>>>>>>>  *# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-*
>>>>>>> *# this file is released under public domain and you can use 
>>>>>>> without limitations*
>>>>>>> **
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> #########################################################################
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *## This is a samples controller*
>>>>>>> *## - index is the default action of any application*
>>>>>>> *## - user is required for authentication and authorization*
>>>>>>> *## - download is for downloading files uploaded in the db (does 
>>>>>>> streaming)*
>>>>>>> *## - call exposes all registered services (none by default)*
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> #########################################################################
>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>> *……*
>>>>>>> *def *ricevo*():*
>>>>>>> *    **from *json *import *loads*, *dumps
>>>>>>>     data *=  
>>>>>>> *loads*(*request<>
>>>>>>> *.*vars*)*
>>>>>>> *    **print *data
>>>>>>>     *print *request<>
>>>>>>> *.*vars*.*body*.*read*()*
>>>>>>> *    **print 
>>>>>>> *request<>
>>>>>>> *.*vars
>>>>>>>     *return *dumps*(*data*)*
>>>>>> Il giorno martedì 23 ottobre 2012 17:55:34 UTC+2, Niphlod ha scritto:
>>>>>>> almost dinner time here.... :P
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 5:44:45 PM UTC+2, Mchurch wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'll try, thanks.
>>>>>>>> Ps. Did You eat some snakes for breakfast?....
>>>>>>>> :)


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