Well, you're doing it wrong. 
I mean, the way you are calling the ajax function...

ajax('rank', ['department'], 'seafarer_experience_rank');

What that does is  calls 'rank' with the argument 'department' and replace 
the contents of the element whose ID is 'seafarer_experience_rank' with the 
results. In this case, it's wiping out your:
    {{if request.vars.department:}}
        {{for r in ranks:}}
            {{=OPTION(r.name, _value=r.id)}}
And replacing it with the dict that is returned from 'rank'. You probably 
want the 'rank' function to return your HTML that you want.
Or you should use a javascript templating library (such as jqote2) to take 
your data (returned as a dict) and turn it into html.

On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 10:39:51 AM UTC-7, lesssugar wrote:
> I'm building a cascading dropdown lists. I use web2py ajax function to do 
> it. My code:
> select 1 (parent):
> <select class="generic-widget" id="seafarer_experience_department" 
> name="department" 
> onchange="jQuery('#seafarer_experience_rank__row').show('fast');ajax('rank', 
> ['department'], 'seafarer_experience_rank');">
>     {{=OPTION('-- Choose department --', _value="")}}
>     {{for d in departments:}}
>         {{=OPTION(d.name, _value=d.id)}}
>     {{pass}}
> </select>
> select 2 (child):
> <select class="generic-widget" id="seafarer_experience_rank" name="rank">
>     {{if request.vars.department:}}
>         {{for r in ranks:}}
>             {{=OPTION(r.name, _value=r.id)}}
>         {{pass}}
>     {{pass}}
> </select>
> controller function:
> def rank():
>     ranks = db(db.rank.department_id == request.vars.department).select(
> db.rank.id, db.rank.name, orderby=db.rank.name)
>     return ranks
> Ajax function calls *rank *function and passess value of the currently 
> selected option in *department *select (parent). Then, the function 
> assigns DAL query to *ranks *and returns it.
> The thing is that *ranks *is a string when returned and the FOR loop in 
> the select 2 is ommited. An example result code of the select 2 looks like 
> this after ajax function's done it's job:
> <select class="generic-widget" id="seafarer_experience_rank" name="rank">
> "rank.idrank.name137Chief Cook138Chief Steward139Cook 
> Assistant140Messman136Second Cook141Steward"
> </select>
> So it LOOKS like a Row object but it's a string obvioulsy - and I can't 
> get any Row data out of it (r.name, r.id).
> Begging for help here :)


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