Thank you Christian!, 
Now, I have a lot of LOGs :) (more logs is far better that no logs! :)). 
Like you, I had no luck with logging.conf.
Working now, thank you again. 

On Thursday, June 20, 2013 8:09:10 AM UTC+2, Christian Foster Howes wrote:
> i have not updated my local launcher to 1.8.1 yet....hopefully tomorrow.  
> but in past versions of GAE i have changed line 74 of (at the 
> web2py top-level) to:
> #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
> #access the GAE logging handler and set level to ignore debug logs
> logging.getLogger().handlers[0].setLevel(logging.INFO)
> that seemed to help me weed out some extra logs (i never had luck with 
> logging.conf and GAE).  can you try and see if that helps?  if so let's 
> submit an patch to massimo!
> thanks,
> christian
> On Wednesday, June 19, 2013 8:26:54 AM UTC-7, José Manuel López wrote:
>> Hi!,
>> I've change to GAE 1.8.1 and suddenly (before, with GAE 1.7.5 everything 
>> worked ok) the LOG is not working. None of my debugs lines are dump to 
>> console. Then I've see that my logging.conf was not being used. This is my 
>> log config:
>> [loggers]
>> keys=root,rocket,markdown,web2py,rewrite,cron,app,welcome, myApp
>> [logger_myApp]
>> level=DEBUG
>> handlers=consoleHandler
>> propagate=0
>> and in my controller:
>> import logging
>> logger = logging.getLogger(request.application)
>> logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>> Anyone knows why this is happening  or any clue at least?
>> Any help will be very appreciated. 
>> Thank you in advance


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