I think the problem is that your form does not contain enough info for the 
computed field. You correctly pull them from DB (in row) and pass to the 
compute function.

On Thursday, 20 June 2013 12:13:16 UTC-5, Richard wrote:
> Hello,
> I don't understand why I have to redefine my compute field function...
> I have a compute field like this one :
> # model
> db.define_table('mytable',
>     Field('f1', 'string'),
>     Field('review', 'boolean'),
>     Field('record_review_status', compute=lambda record: 
> return_computed(record, request.args(0)))
> # contoller
> def fun():
>     form = SQLFORM.factory(Field(...))
>     session.rows = db(db[request.args(0)].review == False).select()
>     table = SQLTABLE(session.rows...)
>     form.process().accepted:
>         for r in session.rows: 
>         row = db[request.args(0)](r.id)
>         row.update_record(review='TRUE')
>         db.commit()
>         row = db[request.args(0)](r.id)
>         *row.record_review_status = return_record_review_status(row, 
> request.args(0)) # here I need to redefine my record_review_status compute 
> field or it not get computed*
>         row.update_record()
>         db.commit()
>     ...
> Note : It is pseudo code, so it may seems dumb or not working, I just try 
> to make an example of what going on in my app...
> In the book it is said that if we try to update record without passing, 
> web2py tries to compute compute field base on orther field value... 
> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/06?search=compute#Computed-fields
> By the way, this part of the book is not pretty clear... For instance do I 
> have to leave update() of update_record() blank in order to get my compute 
> field to be computed.
> Also, it is not exactly clear to me why my compute field not get compute 
> on row.update_record(review='TRUE')... What I understand is that I need to 
> explicitly update my compute field, but the way to do it seems to passing 
> not paramaters to update() or update_record().
> In my case, it seems that my compute function can't get the 'TRUE' for 
> review only once the update(review='TRUE') is committed... I try to remove 
> the line in bold, because it already in my model, but it is not working, my 
> compute field never get updated it status.
> Thanks to clarify this to me.
> Richard


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