You mention ajax but then discuss time to load a whole page. Are there 
multiple ajax requests coming from the page? If so, does each ajax request 
require the session (locking of the session file will force the ajax 
requests to be handled serially instead of in parallel)? If not, you can do 
session.forget(response) early in the ajax request to unlock the session 
file and allow the next ajax request to start processing.


On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 6:18:27 AM UTC-4, Joe Barnhart wrote:
> I have an issue, but my question is really a "meta issue" about the 
> issue...
> I'm developing a large database application which uses a postgres server 
> which is separate from the web2py installation (on nginx).  When geting 
> pages currently the time to fetch a page is 2-10 seconds!  I have profiled 
> the database -- it's returning the data in about 100ms.  I profiled the 
> controller (including the database) and it's responding in 200-400ms.  So 
> my task is to find the extra 1.5 to 9.5 seconds.
> Which leads to my question -- how to debug issues like this?  I'm familiar 
> with postgres and the tools there to analyze and explain a query.  I can 
> instrument my web2py code and have it tell me the resulting time to run a 
> controller.  But the overall application, with the interaction of two 
> computers, browsers, etc. is just too fragmented for me to see where the 
> time is going and it's too complicated to post a simple example here and 
> have one of you geniuses tell me the problem. 
> I really need some strategies for debugging these system issues myself. 
>  Any tips or tools I should be looking at?  (For example I have an use 
> WingIDE which has been very helpful with some issues but not this one so 
> much.)
> Joe


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