Could you try setting the logging_level to debug?

from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
   bind_dn='userName', bind_pw='passWord', manage_groups=False,

And see if you get some messages and post it back?

2013. augusztus 1., csütörtök 23:25:18 UTC+2 időpontban Richard a 
következőt írta:
> Hello,
> I am trying to implement LDAP authentication right now and I am falling on 
> issue "No fields to update". As far as I know the authencation is working 
> since I only start to have this issue once the it happen something else 
> then have the same login blank form again and again.
> So, I think I have proper LDAP setting...
> from gluon.contrib.login_methods.ldap_auth import ldap_auth
> auth.settings.login_methods.append(ldap_auth(mode='ad', 
>    bind_dn='userName', bind_pw='passWord', manage_groups=False,
>    server='serverName',
>    base_dn='ou=OU,ou=OU,dc=DC,dc=DC'))
> I try set manage_groups=False because I found some pretty old thread 
> talking about issue... But notting better. 
> I also set explicitly a redirect on login :
> auth.settings.login_next = URL(c='default', f='index')
> What's happen once authentication success? Does AD try to update auth_user 
> data somehow? Or Does web2py is waiting for update data that don't arrive 
> cause of my configuration of LDAP, so I should tell web2py to not try 
> update anything?
> Thanks
> PS.: "ldap" tag could be good
> Richard


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