I am using ldap_auth. The following example shows an error I received after 
adding manage_user=True. It is unclear to me why this is a problem.

>>> ldap_auth_aux = ldap_auth(mode='ad',
...             server='my.domain.controller',
...             base_dn='ou=Users,dc=domain,dc=com',
...             filterstr='objectClass=*',
...             manage_user=True,
...             user_firstname_attrib='givenName',
...             user_lastname_attrib='sn',
...             user_mail_attrib='mail')
>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('web2py.auth.ldap_auth')
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

>>> ldap_auth_aux('chanson', '********')
DEBUG:web2py.auth.ldap_auth:mode: [ad] manage_user: [True] custom_scope: [
subtree] manage_groups: [False]
INFO:web2py.auth.ldap_auth:[my.domain.controller] Initialize ldap connection
INFO:web2py.auth.ldap_auth:[chanson] Manage user data
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/srv/www/web2py/gluon/contrib/login_methods/ldap_auth.py", line 421, 
in ldap_auth_aux
    user_in_db = db(db.auth_user.email == username)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'auth_user'

>>> ldap_auth_aux('chanson', '********', db=db)
DEBUG:web2py.auth.ldap_auth:mode: [ad] manage_user: [True] custom_scope: [
subtree] manage_groups: [False]
INFO:web2py.auth.ldap_auth:[my.domain.controller] Initialize ldap connection
INFO:web2py.auth.ldap_auth:[chanson] Manage user data
>>> db.commit()

The Traceback in the error ticket showed one of the following prior to the 
error on line 421 in ldap_auth_aux:

   - File "/srv/www/web2py/gluon/tools.py", line 2123, in login
   - File "/srv/www/web2py/gluon/tools.py", line 2144, in login
The interesting code is the following:


db is not passed to the function. The function definition of ldap_auth_aux 
has db=db, but the function is defined in ldap_auth which defaults to 
db=None. I am not sure how it worked before. My solution is to add db=db to 
my login_methods definition:

auth.settings.login_methods = [
    ldap_auth(...as usual...,

I also noticed that the user_xxx_attrib values are case sensitive. For 
example, I use givenName for the user_firstname_attrib. Searching ldap is 
case insensitive, so I think the results should not be, but the results 
create a dictionary which has case sensitive keys. In my case, if I use 
givenname, which is the norm for me when I interact with ldap, line 665 of 
ldap_auth.py throws an exception and my first_name in the auth_user table 
gets created or updated to None, depending on whether the user exists or 

I don't know if this needs to be changed necessarily. I think it would be 
better to be case insensitive, since searches are that way, but if not, at 
a minimum the documentation should say it that the case of the attribute 
should match the schema definition.

I'm not sure how to resolve the db=db issue above other than the way I did, 
since I am unclear why it worked before I added manage_user=True.

Carlos Hanson


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