first things first, if you use queue_task in a model, every request a task 
will get queued.

Second thing: enable the debug log to see what a task prints out with -D 0
Third: the scheduler is supposed to be a quasi-daemonic process: you 
usually want to read the results from the scheduler_run table, where you 
are supposed to look for results ^_^
Fourth: check the scheduler_task table (and the status column) to see what 
the scheduler is doing/processing.

On Tuesday, September 3, 2013 3:03:36 PM UTC+2, Alfonso de la Guarda Reyes 
> Hi, 
> I have recently start to use the scheduler module which looks great, 
> but when i try to use a simple example simply doesn't works, any 
> additional works requires? 
> created a inside models which contains 
> ------------------------------------------------------- 
> from gluon.scheduler import Scheduler 
> def task_add(a,b): 
>     print "MAMAMA" 
>     return a+b 
> scheduler = Scheduler(db) 
> scheduler.queue_task(task_add,pvars=dict(a=1,b=2)) 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> And run with: 
> python2 Devel/web2py/ -K smart_media_campaign 
> Simply doesn't prints the "MAMAMA" message on the console, how can i 
> sure it works? 
> Is there anything wrong? 
> Regards,! 
> Saludos, 
> -------------------------------- 
> Alfonso de la Guarda 
> Twitter: @alfonsodg 
> Redes sociales: alfonsodg 
>    Telef. 991935157 
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