I'm a newbie to web2py, but the book examples have gotten me a long ways, 
and the forum (GG) has helped, also.  

I have set up a pretty simple SOAP service, and have turned on Basic AUTH. 
 I get the correct results when the client provides the correct header, so 
all that's good.  But I'd like to return HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) instead of 
HTTP 303 (See Other) if the header is missing or incorrect.  What's the 
best way to do this?  Should I give up the "auth.requires_login" decorator 
on my call() controller and use the procedural technique of calling 
auth.basic() in the body (sec 9.25, pg 452 of the 5th ed).  Or should I use 
the catch303 technique of this earlier post?

Footnote:  On the remote machines, I'm using 2 different clients:  SUDS 
from Python, and a simple Java client based on java.xml.soap 
(SOAPConnectionFactory).  In the latter, the 303 error gets turned into an 
ugly exception about Invalid Content-Type ([...].saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl. 
 Is this the exception I should be catching to gracefully report the 
mess-up?  And can I expect a 401 to raise the same exception?



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