Arrgh! I must be missing something, I'm very sorry :-(.

I've tried this:

- No changes. The site is working correctly except for the special chars.
- I've created in web2py root directory the file with this 


-I've restarted web2py.
- My app is not working anymore. All request are getting an "invalid 
request" error.
- I've edited, now it contains:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

-I've restarted web2py.
- My app is not working yet, all request are invalid.
-I've deleted file.
-I've restarted web2py.
-My app is working correctly except for the special chars.

So, I'm sure I'm doing anythong very wrong. Besides creating the 
file, should I change any other thing in my controllers?

Thank you very much again!

On Thursday, September 5, 2013 4:45:11 PM UTC+2, Jonathan Lundell wrote:
> On 5 Sep 2013, at 12:11 AM, Wonton < <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Hello Marcio,
> First of all, thank you so much for your answer, I haven thought on that 
> possibility and it's very interesting.
> However, I have a huge number of services and I often test them manually, 
> so I would like to maintain the URLs as readable as possible. I would like 
> to try first with the solution, disabling the args validation for 
> my app. But I will keep in mind your solution.
> Did you restart web2py after changing routes_apps_raw ought to 
> do what you want.
> When your app is in the routes_apps_raw list, your args string (eg 
> 'json/public_function/...') is in request.raw_args (as usual) and 
> request.args is None. It's then the responsibility of your app (and you can 
> do this in your model if you like) to validate and parse request.raw_args, 
> and (if you want to) put the results in request.args as a List() object.
> Putting in the wrong place (it should be in the web2py root) or 
> changing it without restarting is the most common reason for trouble with 
> (As an alternative you can use the parametric router and specify your own 
> validation regex for args: args_match.)
> Kind regards!
> On Thursday, September 5, 2013 3:50:17 AM UTC+2, Marcio Andrey Oliveira 
> wrote:
>> Can't you send encoded parameters (say in Bas64 or hexadecimal) and 
>> decode them inside the methods?
>> Regards.
>> On Wednesday, September 4, 2013 8:24:26 PM UTC-3, Wonton wrote:
>>> Hello everyone!
>>> I've developed a web2py backend which is given me problems with special 
>>> chars in URLs. I'm a newbie with web2py so maybe I'm missing something very 
>>> easy, sorry if that is the case ;-).
>>> These are the details of my app.
>>> - I have no file.
>>> - In controllers/ I have this:
>>> ...
>>> public_services=Service()
>>> private_services=Service()
>>> ...
>>> def public_call(): 
>>>     return public_services()
>>> @auth.requires_login()
>>> def private_call(): 
>>>     return private_services()
>>> ...
>>> @public_services.json
>>> def public_function_1(var1, var2, var3):
>>> ...
>>> @private_services.json
>>> def private_function_1(var1, var2):
>>> ...
>>> - I call these methods this way:
>>> http://mydomain/myapp/default/public_call/json/
>>> public_function_1/var1/var2/var3
>>> http://mydomain/myapp/default/private_call/json/
>>> private_function_1/var1/var2
>>> - Everything is working except if my URL contains special chars, (var1, 
>>> var2 or var3 can contain 'ñ' or accents, coded with %...) then I get an 
>>> "invalid request" error.
>>> - After reading all posts related to this issue I'm a bit lost, sorry. 
>>> I've tried to create a and the only line inside it is this:
>>> routes_apps_raw=['myapp']
>>> But obviously this is not enough because I have the same problem yet.
>>> Besides this, I don't understand the "request.raw_args" thing, am I 
>>> supposed to do anything with that? I can't see any request.raw_args in my 
>>> code.
>>> Thank you very much and kind regards!
> -- 


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