Thank you for letting us know. Others may find it useful.

On Saturday, 7 September 2013 20:20:50 UTC-5, Charles Law wrote:
> I came up with an alternative solution, but this only applies to openshift.
> It looks like there is an application file that opeenshift calls, which in 
> turn calls web2py:
> I added code that that checks which domain was calld and if the 
> rapydscript subdomain was called, I prepend the PATH_INFO with 
> '/rapydscript'.
> This is working well :).
> On Friday, September 6, 2013 9:01:50 AM UTC-7, Charles Law wrote:
>> We have a site with a subdomain that correctly gets forwarded to web2py 
>> on openshift, but the page it hits is our default home page.  We want the 
>> subdomains to go ti different functions on our default controller, but we 
>> can't figure out how to do that with routes.  Included below is the current 
>> routes file we have.  We would like to have visitors going to http(s)://
>> to visit our rapydscript function on the default 
>> controller by default.  I tried looking at examples, and what I have below 
>> I think should work, but users are just seeing the same content as 
>> under the rapydscript subdomain.  Is the file setup 
>> incorrectly?  Does openshift do something odd?
>> Thanks in advance for any help,
>> Charles
>> default_application = 'pyjeon'    # ordinarily set in base
>> default_controller = 'default'  # ordinarily set in app-specific
>> default_function = 'index'      # ordinarily set in app-specific
>> BASE = ''  # optonal prefix for incoming URLs
>> myapp = 'pyjeon'
>> routes_in = (
>>     # reroute favicon and robots, use exable for lack of better choice
>>     ('/favicon.ico', '/static/favicon.png'),
>>     ('/robots.txt', '/pyjeon/static/robots.txt'),
>>     ('/sitemap.xml', '/pyjeon/static/sitemap.xml'),
>>     (('.*', '/' + myapp + 
>> '/default/rapydscript')),
>>     (('.*<any>.*)', '/' + myapp + 
>> '/default/rapydscript/\g<any>')),
>>     (BASE + '/', '/' + myapp + '/default/index'),
>>     # do not reroute admin unless you want to disable it
>>     (BASE + '/admin', '/admin/default/index'),
>>     (BASE + '/admin/$anything', '/admin/$anything'),
>>     #setup static
>>     (BASE + '/static/', '/' + myapp + '/static/index.html'),
>>     (BASE + '/static/$anything', '/' + myapp + '/static/$anything'),
>>     (BASE + '/appadmin', '/' + myapp + '/appadmin'),
>>     (BASE + '/pyjeon/appadmin/$anything', '/' + myapp + 
>> '/appadmin/$anything'),
>>     (BASE + '/$app/$anything', '/' + myapp + '/default/$app/$anything'),
>>     (BASE + '/$app', '/' + myapp + '/default/$app'),
>>     # do other stuff
>>     # remove the BASE prefix
>>     (BASE + '/$anything', '/$anything'),
>> )
>> # routes_out, like routes_in translates URL paths created with the web2py 
>> URL()
>> # function in the same manner that route_in translates inbound URL paths.
>> #
>> routes_out = (
>>     # do not reroute admin unless you want to disable it
>>     ('/admin/$anything', BASE + '/admin/$anything'),
>>     # do not reroute appadmin unless you want to disable it
>>     ('/$app/appadmin/$anything', BASE + '/$app/appadmin/$anything'),
>>     # do not reroute static files
>>     ('/$app/static/$anything', BASE + '/$app/static/$anything'),
>>     # do other stuff
>>     (r'.** /app/ctr(?P<any>.*)', r'\g<any>'),
>>     (r'/app(?P<any>.*)', r'\g<any>'),
>>     # restore the BASE prefix
>>     ('/$anything', BASE + '/$anything'),
>> )


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