I looked at web2py stats on some webpage (i forget now) and it shows 6 main 
developers. However, looking further, they are all Massimo connecting from 
various computers. It would be nice if that was cleaned up.

On Friday, September 6, 2013 3:57:36 PM UTC-7, Diego Carvallo wrote:
> I think that the bigger the active community the greater a framework gets. 
> Like Symphony for example that in a few years has grown so big now it has 
> its own plugin repository (Composer) and dozens of user forums.
> Regarding metrics, it could be a good thing to determine how BuiltWith and 
> Wappalizer detect frameworks to create their usage trend graphs. Both have 
> Chrome extensions that tell you the frameworks used in a certain web page 
> but web2py is usually not detected (not even in my page where I have 
> certainty it was built with web2py). This could help show the world a more 
> accurate graph of web2py usage. Even on web2py's home site 
> http://web2py.com/ Wappalizer detects Bootstrap but not web2py (here 
> BuiltWith does).
> So the options I can come up with:
>    1. Increase GitHub followers ( As Massimo explained in this 
> thread<https://groups.google.com/d/msg/web2py/3_DbrusmmF0/SQyb5pX-A2kJ>
>     )
>    2. Allow BuildWith to detect web2py ( 
>    http://trends.builtwith.com/framework/web2py )
>    3. Allow Wappalizer to detect web2py ( 
>    http://wappalyzer.com/categories/web-frameworks )
>    4. Google Trends ( 
> http://www.google.it/trends/explore#q=CodeIgniter|Symfony|web2py|django<http://www.google.it/trends/explore#cat=0-5-31&q=CodeIgniter%2C%20%20Symfony%2C%20%20web2py%2C%20%20django&cmpt=q>
>     )
>    5. Creating more reviews/blog-posts about its features compared to 
>    other frameworks 
>    6. Ask to be counted in benckmark tests ( like this one 
>    http://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/ )
>    7. Create web2py conferences (like Drupal Camps, or Google GDG for 
>    example)
>    8. Start a user forum instead of just using Google Groups
> What else can be done? What are your thoughts?

- http://web2py.com
- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
- https://code.google.com/p/web2py/issues/list (Report Issues)
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