a programmer is working to assist me, so cancel my request for help.  let 
me know if interested in seeing code when done


Alex Glaros

On Wednesday, September 11, 2013 2:39:02 PM UTC-7, Alex Glaros wrote:
> I’d like help in building a universal address function for all countries. 
> I’m hoping that it would prove useful to other programmers so it could be 
> posted to Slices. The data model is finished, just need help with 
> controller.
> Different countries have different geo-political divisions, and the number 
> of divisions differs, e.g., United States has 3: city, county, state, 
> federal.  Viet Nam has 4: district, ward, province, township.
> To handle this I've created a lookup table that abstracts and stacks 
> geo-political subdivision types into virtual fields.
> db.define_table('GeoPoliticalDivision', ## E.g., US City, VN District
> Field('countryCode','reference Country'),  ## E.g., US
> Field('geoPoliticalName','string'))  ## E.g., City'
> Sample data
> United States of America US City 
> United States of America US County
> United States of America US State
> Viet Nam                        District
> Then, table below takes the data from above table, and adds the specific 
> information for a specific address.
> db.define_table('AddressGeoPoliticalDivision', ## This 1:M intersection 
> table is child of Address table.  Address table stores country name, postal 
> code and first 3 lines of address like “street”. This table stores the 
> different geoPolitical divisions. Example: Address #1, US city, Sacramento. 
>  Address #1, US county, Yolo. Address #1, US state, California.
> Field('addressID','reference Address'),
> Field('geoPoliticalDivisionID','reference GeoPoliticalDivision'), ## E.g., 
> VN city, or, US county.  
> Field('geoPoliticalDivisionData','string')) ## this contains name of the 
> division, e.g., “Chicago”
> Sample data
> 30 Humboldt Drive - US City - Arcata
> 30 Humboldt Drive - US County - Humboldt
> 30 Humboldt Drive - US State - California
> The above table is only part of a party’s address.  It is a 1:M child of 
> the Address table below
> db.define_table('Address',
> Field('addressLine_1','string'), 
> Field('addressLine_2','string'), 
> Field('addressLine_3','string'), 
> Field('zipOrPostalCode','string'), 
> Field('countryCode','string',label='Country'))
> Another table, db.PartyAddressIntersection, links an address to a party.
> To populate an address, the code has to loop through the virtual 
> 'GeoPoliticalDivision' fields for that country to enable user to fill them 
> out. That’s the part I need help with.
> Here is a join that shows how db.AddressGeoPoliticalDivision works
>  query = (db.Party.id == db.auth_user.partyID) & 
> (db.PartyAddressIntersection.partyID==db.Party.id) & 
> (db.PartyAddressIntersection.addressID==db.Address.id)  & 
> (db.PartyAddressIntersection.addressTypeID==db.AddressType.id) & 
> (db.AddressGeoPoliticalDivision.addressID==db.Address.id)
> Here’s most of the code to add an address.  What is missing is the code 
> for how to loop through db.GeoPoliticalDivision for the correct country and 
> populate db.AddressGeoPoliticalDivision fields.
> @auth.requires_login()
> def add_new_government_organization():
>     db.ObjectSuperType.objectTypeID.default = 1  ## sets up db so object 
> type is designated as a party (not a component)
>     db.Party.partyTypeID.default = 2 ## sets up db so it's an organization 
> (not a person)
>     db.Organization.organizationPrimaryTypeID.default = 1 ## sets up 
> Organization table so primary type is "Government"
>     db.ObjectSuperType.objectTypeID.readable = 
> db.ObjectSuperType.objectTypeID.writable = False ## don't let user see 
> field thinking they have to fill it in
>     ##db.Organization.termsAndConditions.readable = 
> db.Organization.termsAndConditions.writable = False ##
>     db.Party.objectID.readable = db.Party.objectID.writable = False ## 
> don't let user see field thinking they have to fill it in
>     db.Organization.partyID.readable = db.Organization.partyID.writable = 
> False ## don't let user see field thinking they have to fill it in
>     db.GovOrgJurisdiction.organizationID.readable = 
> db.GovOrgJurisdiction.organizationID.writable = False 
>     db.Organization.organizationPrimaryTypeID.readable = 
> db.Organization.organizationPrimaryTypeID.writable = False ## don't let 
> user see field thinking they have to fill it in
>     db.Party.partyTypeID.readable = db.Party.partyTypeID.writable = False 
> ## don't let user see field thinking they have to fill it in
>     db.PartyAddressIntersection.addressID.readable = 
> db.PartyAddressIntersection.addressID.writable = False ## don't let user 
> see field   
>     db.Address.id.readable = db.Address.id.writable = False ## don't let 
> user see field      
>     form=SQLFORM.factory(db.ObjectSuperType,db.Party,db.Organization, 
> db.PartyAddressIntersection, db.Address, db.GovOrgJurisdiction)
>     if form.process().accepted:
>         objectID = 
> db.ObjectSuperType.insert(**db.ObjectSuperType._filter_fields(form.vars))
>         form.vars.objectID=objectID
>         partyID = db.Party.insert(**db.Party._filter_fields(form.vars))
>         form.vars.partyID=partyID
>         organizationID = 
> db.Organization.insert(**db.Organization._filter_fields(form.vars))
>         form.vars.organizationID=organizationID
>         addressID = 
> db.Address.insert(**db.Address._filter_fields(form.vars))
>         form.vars.addressID=addressID        
>         partyID = 
> db.PartyAddressIntersection.insert(**db.PartyAddressIntersection._filter_fields(form.vars))
>         organizationID = 
> db.GovOrgJurisdiction.insert(**db.GovOrgJurisdiction._filter_fields(form.vars))
>         response.flash='Thanks for filling the form'
>     return dict(form=form)
> If you send me your address, I can send the whole package packed in 
> Windows format. My email is here: http://www.gov-ideas.com/contact.htm
> Thanks,
> Alex Glaros

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