
can you do this for ?


On May 16, 10:23 pm, Iceberg <> wrote:
> ----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
> From:    mdipierro <> Sender:
> To:      web2py Web Framework <>
> Date:    Sat, 16 May 2009 13:24:29 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: [web2py:21988] Re: Can't get web2py to run as Windows service
> -------------------
> > The reason I am still able to make executables is that I do not re-
> > make them. I just replace the pyc files in
> > Unless there is a way to pass the list of dependencies to setup_exe
> > than we are unable to handle future version of web2py that depend on
> > python packages not already included.
> > I may need to revert import_all.
> If so, you can keep current, but reduce its responsibility to 
> only defining the base_modules according to python version. Then, like my 
>, we can just import and use base_modules as a "list of 
> dependencies". Should any base modules be missing, py2exe will complain an 
> ImportError. You can also capture this exception and generate some nice 
> message like "Missing dependency blah, try to use easy_install blah" if you 
> want, but I don't think it necessary.
> As to contributed_modules, I slightly adjust my previous patch. Now the 
> attached one should be able to automatically detect and pack all *.py inside 
> gluon. So no need for import_all.contributed_modules
> Still, you need to have a full test for it. Because my development does not 
> have win32 module etc., I am not able to build a "full" package by myself.
> Hope that helps.
> Best regards,
>                             Iceberg, 2009-May-17, 11:13(AM), Sun
> 1KViewDownload
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