
I have a normalized database containing a.o. a company table which is
referenced by 10 other tables (address, nfa, et cetera). The database
contain thousands of companies, of which only a percentage will manage
their own data on two levels (core and site). User registration will
be performed by the site administrator and no verification mail will
be sent.

In the web2py documentation and examples a user registers before
creating any records. In, when a user registers, a new group
is created and the user is made the sole member of that group.
Permissions are added every time a record is created

In my case the site administrator is the owner of all records in the
database, by registering a company he grants the company co-ownership
of its existing records and the permission to crud its own records.

After implementing the crud_address and update_address function I
tested them for several users. I noticed that when I expose the update
function the user is able to manipulate the URL. In the following URL
5 is the record_id of an address:

When the user changes the record_id in the URL to 3 the address record
with record_id 3 is displayed and the logged in user can update or
delete the record even tough it isn't related to his company. I know
this problem is related to the fact that I have not added permissions
for every single record in the database.

The problem is that record_ids of the existing records are unknown the
moment the user registers. In the company table record_id identifies
the company but in all the other table the field company identifies
the company, because they are foreign keys.

I hope there is another way to solve this problem, for instance by
removing the args and vars from the URL, and adding a validator to
form.accepts like: form.adres.bedrijf=auth.user.bedrijf. Which checks
if the company id in the form equals the company id of the logged in
user's company.

Kind regards,

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