Hi Massimo,

Thanks for your help. I think I'm crystal clear on your explanation 
regarding the button, but I'm still confused on the other issue that 
Anthony answered previously, despite his and your posts.. 

In my controller I used:

  form = SQLFORM.factory(*fields)

  if form.accepts(request, session): 

Could you please be a little more specific? What should I use here instead 
of 'form.accepts' ? I think this is causing me trouble elsewhere in my 
application, too, and it would be really helpful if I knew a little bit 

Thanks again,

On Tuesday, September 17, 2013 12:15:01 PM UTC-7, Jordan Ladora wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the same problem as 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/web2py/custom$20form$20jquery/web2py/7Meea7Ul0o8/4ZdrD9hP5MEJ
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/web2py/custom$20form$20jquery/web2py/E9RyEqh01RQ/6duW4RmALvcJ
> From the first thread/link above, "...if I use a regular form, {{=form}}, 
> then validation works but not if I use the custom form. Also form.process() 
> works, so the problem seems to be related to custom forms.."
> Those threads seemed to end without finding a solution. I think the author 
> of those threads didn't realize that the form is actually being validated, 
> but it doesn't seem like it b/c the error messages do not show with the 
> custom form. 
> In my hands, if I use a custom form, it validates OK but form errors do 
> not display and, quite often, any jquery code in the view misbehaves (which 
> is the real problem). This behavior turns on and off depending ONLY on 
> whether I have a custom form. I used {{=custom.form.begin}} and 
> {{=custom.form.end}} and {{=form.custom.widget.xyz}} and 
> {{=form.custom.label.xyz}} in the view. If I replace it with {{=form}} then 
> everything works perfectly. 
> In the controller, I used 
> if form.accepts(request, session, onvalidation=abc):
>   ...
> Thanks for any help. I love the custom forms and it really stinks not 
> being able to use them with jQuery!!
> -jl
> ps - I previously posted with more details about this problem, before I 
> realized the problem seems related more generally to javascript/jquery + 
> custom forms -
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/web2py/rPHKPqqHbsg
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/web2py/0LpfMJPwSsI

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