On May 17, 2:39 am, Bernd das Brot <b.b...@gmx.at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I checked web2py Version 1.62 rc4 (2009-05-15 15:41:03) for my issue
> "web2py alongside other applications, 
> mod_proxy"http://groups.google.at/group/web2py/browse_thread/thread/c49124199d8...
> to find it fixed (big thank you !) EXCEPT in the (new and cool)
> "welcome" application. It has lots of absolute URLs like href="/admin"
> in it -

I do not see this anywhere. Can you please point me to it?

> so if you use "routes.py" with a prefix:
> routes_in = (('/prefix/(?P<a>.*)','/\g<a>'),)
> routes_out = (('/(?P<a>.*)','/prefix/\g<a>'),)
> it completely breaks (it does not even find it' s Stylesheets...), the
> "admin"-Application looks fine, for example.
> The safest way to test it is a proxy environment, if you directly
> connect to "localhost:8000/prefix/" you have to look carefully for
> URLs that
> do not start with /prefix (and so break).
> On 15 Mai, 22:43, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > BTW... you can test the latest at
> >http://www.web2py.com/examples/static/1.62rc2/web2py_src.ziphttp://ww...
> > On May 15, 3:40 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> > > Except for the web2py-as-windows as service issue, is there anything
> > > else I fogot to fix?
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