On Monday, October 7, 2013 1:26:56 PM UTC-7, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> What's a testimonial page?
> On Monday, 7 October 2013 10:58:06 UTC-5, Jayakumar Bellie wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Have anyone created a testimonial page using web2py?
My first thought is a page that visitors could use to post descriptions of 
the person who is the "guest of honor" of the testimonial page.  I'm 
thinking of the context of "remembering the deceased", and such a page 
might occur in conjunction with an online obituary or a funeral home (or 
mortuary or even a church) as part of the announcement of a client's 

I'd think that a starting point would be the examples for posting comments 
to an article, as in section 3.3 of the manual ("An Image Blog"), but with 
the following changes:

a) visitors would not have to have an account, although listing an email 
address is a common requirement
b) comments would not be displayed to other visitors immediately, but would 
be vetted before release (add an "approved-by" field to the db)
c) only admin users could approve or remove entries.

(The same considerations would apply if the "guest of honor" was still 
alive, and this was in preparation for a ceremonial occasion ... perhaps a 
dinner ... celebrating the awarding of some official honor.)


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