w2p is a great framework with many bells and whistles. 
Examples/ defaults are full of them. 
One of the issue when you're learning the framework, you need to take baby 
steps, and study them one at a time. 
(particularly if, like myself, you are new to python, js, CSS3, Bootstrap, 
etc, etc and feel, at times, you dumber than dogs...)

The example posted was stripped from a larger system, sanitised and tested. 
Unfortunately, I didn't strip out a few (i.e truncate) testing lines.
I find simple, one or 2 line code snippets, great (the smaller the better).
Its easier to join/ merge later.

Similar comments go for troubleshooting and posting issues.
Its always easier for others if you reduce code just to key elements, to 
illustrate the point.
Slices are good, but they are a bit static/ non interactive.

I'm now wondering how difficult it would be to clone and host a jsfiddle 
type sandbox in w2p, whereby we could post, share, test and modify code 
snippets within the community?

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