
I'm new to web2py, so I'm afraid this is a silly question to ask, but I'm 
having a hard time trying to put some pieces together.

web2py documentation seems really complete most of times, but the chapter 
about Access Control relies too much in Janrain, which I would love to 
avoid using if possible (I have no problem with Janrain).

what I want to do is offer the default auth using local database features 
*plus* OpenID Auth (for Yahoo and Google) and if possible, later, also 
support Facebook too (again, I have no problem with Facebook, I just 
happened to try OpenID Auth first).

so, first, I used only the default auth with local database, and build my 
login form html layout by hand, like this:

from gluon.tools import Auth
auth = Auth(db)
auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False)

def index():
    if auth.is_logged_in():
    return dict(form=auth())
def user():
    return dict(form=auth())
def home():
    return dict()

          <form method="post" action="/myapp/default/user/login" 
              <input type="text" name="email" >
              <input type="password" name="password" >
              <input name="_next" type="hidden" 
              <input name="_formkey" type="hidden" 
              <input name="_formname" type="hidden" value="login">
              <button type="submit">Submit</button>

and everything worked just fine (I had to fire the register url once, so I 
got an account to use, but I plan to improve this step later).

I could login, logout, check if the user is_logged_in, etc. fine!

now the problem starts. I wanted to add suport to OpenID without Janrain. 
so, I checked the Access Control chapter in the documentation, got some 
hints but no full examples, then I downloaded and checked the sources for 
the files openid_auth.py and extended_login_form.py (both from 
gluon.contrib.login_methods), got some other hints, googled something and 
ended up with this:

from gluon.tools import Auth
auth = Auth(db)
auth.define_tables(username=False, signature=False)

from gluon.contrib.login_methods.openid_auth import OpenIDAuth
openid_login_form = OpenIDAuth(auth)

from gluon.contrib.login_methods.extended_login_form import 
extended_login_form = ExtendedLoginForm(auth, openid_login_form, 

auth.settings.login_form = extended_login_form

# no change in the previous methods, but added this:
def test():
    return dict(form=auth())


ok. now, when I browse /myapp/default/test I see a page with a form in two 
parts, the first one with username/password fields, and the bottom with a 
new field to input my openid provider url.

the first thing I noticed is that I could not just use the tag: 
{{=form.formkey}} and build my form by hand, because I get a strange error 
like: "AttributeError: 'DIV' object has no attribute 'formkey'"

some some reason, I believe my auth form is wrapped in such a way I cannot 
access its _formkey attribute anymore (and that's I endded up with that 
simple test.html)

also, I could find no place to input beforehand the openid provider url. in 
fact, this is not completelly bad, because I plan to use two providers 
(yahoo and google) and so I'll probably put two forms (or just one 
javascript-managed) in my page.

anyway, I still want to be able to build my forms by hand, and I cannot do 
this without access to the "formkey". (I believe)

other thing I noticed is that there is no place where I inform which 
attributes I want from the openid provider (email, nickname, etc). 

anyway, I populated the automatically built form, submitted, and was 
redirected to the openid provider (I tested with yahoo, using url: 

then I informed my username and password and was redirected back to my app, 
as if I logged in. 

but when I tested is_logged_in(), I got false. then, I checked the 
db.alt_logins table, and db.auth_user table, I found nothing new there (no 
new record with a new user or anything).

so, I believe I almost did it, but something is still missing.

what need to be answered is:

1. is it possible to use both auth methods (default and openid) together 
without Janrain? how do I setup this?

2. is it possible to build my forms by hand, without depending on the 
auto-generated forms?

3. if I got it right, the only thing I need is the form._formkey attribute, 
and for all the rest I can write my own html. I just need to know how to 
get the formkey from the extended_login_form;

4. the ExtendedLoginForm class seems to support only two auth methods, so 
how could I support three? for example: default auth, plus openid 
(yahoo/google), plus oauth (facebook)? can I chain ExtendedLoginForms?

5. I could find no docs about the "signals" used in the ExtendedLoginForm. 
could this be the problem in my setup? I tried using signals=['oid']

sorry for the mega-post, 

and thanks in advance!



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