web2py's default layout is not responsive. If you're facing problems with 
displaying the tables, you should overwrite the CSS to adapt the columns 

On Tuesday, October 8, 2013 2:06:13 PM UTC+2, stefaan wrote:
> Hello all,
> I noticed the following when using a grid with some "links" (custom 
> buttons) put at the left,
> using the default layout (and using ui-style "web2py"):
> - when the grid is on a large screen, the custom button column takes too 
> much space
> - on a small screen, the custom buttons overlap with the text in the next 
> column of the grid
> I have attached 2 screenshots illustrating the problem. 
> Is this a problem with web2py's default css ? Or do I need to use 
> different grid options?
> I create the grid with the following options:
>     form = SQLFORM.grid(ui='web2py',
>                         formname='formindex',
>                         fields=[db.t_seminar.f_date, 
> db.t_seminar.f_start_time, db.t_seminar.f_speaker_string, 
> db.t_seminar.f_location_string, 
> db.t_seminar.f_title_string,db.t_seminar.created_by],
>                         query=((db.t_seminar.f_date >= 
> datetime.datetime.now().date()) & (db.t_seminar.f_tentative != True)),
>                         onupdate=__archive_and_reload,
>                         editable=__userowned,
>                         create=auth.has_membership('admin'),
>                         deletable=__userowned,
>                         details=True,
>                         searchable=True,
>                         sortable=True,
>                         orderby = [db.t_seminar.f_date, 
> db.t_seminar.f_start_time, db.t_seminar.f_title_string],
>                         links = [__define_button, __attendants],
>                         buttons_placement="left",
>                         links_placement="left",
>                         paginate=10)
> Best regards,
> Stefaan.
> <https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-bMVSBL5HjJk/UlPyZYkkLjI/AAAAAAAAASs/af-4CTzhe4U/s1600/overlap.png>
> <https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-2hrq-wqeeUA/UlPyebasP2I/AAAAAAAAAS0/kc9CK-WVlPg/s1600/toomuch.png>

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