I'm a little confused by:
>db.dog.owner.represent = None

Why would we use db.dog.represent==db.person.id
rather than db.dog.owner==db.person.id


On Wednesday, October 9, 2013 3:20:08 PM UTC-10, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
> It depends. It may. 
> For example given:
> db.define_table('person',Field('name'),format='%(name)s')
> db.define_table('dog',Field('name'),Field('owner','reference dog'))
> if you do:
> SQLFORM.grid(db.dog.owner==db.person.id)
> it will do a recursive select for each row to find a representation of 
> db.dog.owner.
> You can disabled this:
> db.dog.owner.represent = None
> SQLFORM.grid(db.dog.represent==db.person.id)
> or hide it
> db.dog.owner.readable = False
> SQLFORM.grid(db.dog.represent==db.person.id)
> or cache it:
> db.dog.owner.represent = lambda v,r: cache.ram('person-%s'%v, lambda v=v: 
> v and '%(name)s'%db.person(v), None)
> SQLFORM.grid(db.dog.represent==db.person.id)
> You can always add the {{=response.toolbar()}} to see all the database 
> queries.
> On Wednesday, 9 October 2013 14:39:07 UTC-5, James Thompson wrote:
>> When using SQLTABLE (or something like: {{=query_results}}) to display 
>> rows in a view, foreign key fields display data from their related table.
>> Is web2py doing individual queries for each of these fields?

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