Dear Anthony, Kiran and Johann,

Thanks for the responses. 

I'll be keeping track of the work that i do on this subject on myblog at 
If you or any other web2py-users group members have any comments or 
suggestions you can share them there or here.

As of now i have added 2 comments on the blog to my original post.

*1. i looked up web2py component 

By def it seems that components

communicate with the component controller function via Ajax

Therefore the *list of dependencies *must contain ajax stuff.

*2. add a new component to list:*

navbar – is a complex component containing both *menu *and 

Thanks again for a GREAT framework.

Love and peace,


On Saturday, November 9, 2013 10:52:49 AM UTC-8, JoeCodeswell wrote:
> Dear web2py Forum,
> Often i find myself making View pages that are NOT derived from 
> layout.html and yet wanting to include *some *aspects of its capabilities.
> I thought the web2py "Component" concept might help to deliver a modular 
> approach.
> My initial thoughts would be to pair small CSS files and HTML *Component 
> definitions* for the following: 
>    - menu
>    - login/register
>    - left sidebar
>    - right sidebar
>    - footer
>    - ajax
>    - flash response
>    - mobile
>    - responsive
> while maintaining a *list of dependencies *among them. 
> Has anyone thought about this granular approach before?
> I would *not *want to use *a Wizard* for this, because in my experience, 
> the generated code is unfamiliar to me and difficult to customize. 
> Thanks for a GREAT framework.
> Love and peace,
> Joe

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