Issue submitted

Sorry for the delay.

Quinta-feira, 5 de Dezembro de 2013 20:05:38 UTC, Leonel Câmara escreveu:
> If I have this in my DB:
> db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite', check_reserved=[])
> db.define_table('test_table',
>     Field('value'),
> )
> if db( > 0).count() == 0:
>     db.test_table.bulk_insert([{'value': 'one'}, {'value': 'two'}, 
> {'value': 'three'}, {'value': 'four'}, {'value': 'five'}])
> And this in my default controller
> def index():
>     test_table_rows = db(>0).select(cache=(cache.ram, 
> 1800), cacheable=True)
>     for record in test_table_rows:
>         # Suppose I want to change the way the values are returned, here 
> I'm adding a # but I could be
>         # doing something useful like turning them into an URL()
>         record.value = record.value + '#'
>     return {'values': test_table_rows}
> Then go to /default/index.json and keep refreshing. What you end up 
> getting will be something like:
> {"values": [{"id": 1, "value": "one##########################"}, {"id": 2, 
> "value": "two##########################"}, {"id": 3, "value": 
> "three##########################"}, {"id": 4, "value": 
> "four##########################"}, {"id": 5, "value": 
> "five##########################"}]}
> I find this behavior to be quite unexpected as I would think that the cached 
> rows would not be affected, what I would expect would be for the select to 
> always return me exactly the same cached Rows. This makes cacheable=True very 
> dangerous in a way that reminds me of using mutables as default function 
> arguments. 

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