Thanks it explains a lot. I will try to work on it as soon as I got the
time. Unfortunatly we got a deadline at work which is Christmas. So I will
probably not work on it till than.

On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Richard Vézina <
> wrote:

> I am sorry about that...
> Web2py default behavior for list:reference or reference is a HTML Select
> and option... This is ordered by the navigator base on the spelling of the
> element... So when you edit your form if you want to maintain the
> preexisting order (the one that were there when you select items and order
> them with bsm) you need to set them in order in the select yourself...
> Bsmselect use OL that is Ordered List instead of UL... But it consume a
> standard select... So, as long as he get a select with the proper ordered
> options he can recreate the prexisting order... That is what the js I show
> you does...
> ordered_values content the list:reference or the reference value that are
> a simple python list... List are items of list are ordered not like python
> dict that not preserve order... So I just get the value of the field that
> is a list object and pass it to the javascript as a list object... then I
> create option from that list in javascript like you could do in web2py with
> helpers for instance or by generating html yourself...
> Hope it helps.
> Richard
> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 7:27 AM, Kevin Bethke <>wrote:
>> thanks but to be honest now I'm even more confused.
>> why do you need a piece of jquery code in a javascript variable. I sopose
>> you included the entire jquery library.
>>  Why do you do the ordering with javascript and not with python is there
>> a special reason for this? I think I just explained the last question  by
>> looking at the code again. The document ready function is executed every
>> time you add or remove an element from the list?
>> the javascript variable ordered_values="%s" is filled from the represent
>> python variable?
>> And my last question do you implement the multiple select into a form?
>> Sry for all those questions but I'm still learning and the need for this
>> to work really pushes my skills and knowledge beyond its limits.
>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Richard Vézina <
>>> wrote:
>>> It's a bit hacky but it works...
>>> :)
>>> Richard
>>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Richard Vézina <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Don't bother with the php thing...
>>>> Just look the data structure of the select...
>>>> Here what I do to restore proper order on update form :
>>>> controller_view_js += """
>>>> var ordered_values = ''%s'';
>>>> $(document).ready(function() {
>>>>     if(ordered_values != "None") {
>>>>         $.each(ordered_values, function(i, val) {
>>>>             $("select[name=field_name]").append("<option
>>>> value=\'"+ordered_values[i]+"\'>"+
>>>>                 $("select[name=field_name]
>>>> option[value="+ordered_values[i]+"]").text()+"</option>");
>>>>         });
>>>>         $("select[name=field_name] option:selected").remove();
>>>>         $.each(ordered_values, function(i, val) {
>>>>             $("select[name=field_name]
>>>> option[value="+ordered_values[i]+"]").attr("selected", "selected");
>>>>         });
>>>>     };
>>>> });""" % [int(ID) for ID in ordered_values_query]
>>>> controller_view_js is a variable containing a piece of jquery that I
>>>> pass to the view from the controller... What it does put the options into
>>>> the proper order or how they were ordered at the input... All this is
>>>> because web2py don't use "ol" list out of the box... So I manage thing to
>>>> not require ol.
>>>> The ordered_values_query contain the value of the field field_name for
>>>> the given record...
>>>> I had to set a representation like this too :
>>>> represent=lambda values, row: ', '.join(map(lambda id:
>>>> db.ref_referenced_table(id).represent_field, values)) if values != [] or
>>>> None else T('N/A')
>>>> Hope it helps.
>>>> Richard
>>>> On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 4:07 AM, BlueShadow <>wrote:
>>>>> thanks for your offer I'm working my way through the example code but
>>>>> my biggest problem is that php site. I don't know php. But from what I get
>>>>> from the php code is that all the sample cities need to be in an unordered
>>>>> list environment <ul><li></li>...</ul>
>>>>> but this form part of the bsmselect example really confuses me.
>>>>> <h1>Example 1: Typical Usage</h1>
>>>>> <form action="./example_results.php" method="post">
>>>>>     <label for="cities1">What are your favorite cities?</label>
>>>>>     <select id="cities1" multiple="multiple" name="cities[]" title="Click 
>>>>> to Select a City" class="sminit">
>>>>>       <option>Amsterdam</option>
>>>>>     </select>
>>>>>     <p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /></p>
>>>>>   </form>
>>>>> especially the php file in form action=""
>>>>> <?php
>>>>> if(!empty($_POST['submit'])) {
>>>>>   echo "<html>\n<body style='width: 400px; margin: 2em auto;
>>>>> font-family: Arial;'>";
>>>>>   if(!empty($_POST['cities'])) {
>>>>>     echo "\n<p><strong>You selected the following
>>>>> cities:</strong></p>\n<ul>";
>>>>>     foreach($_POST['cities'] as $city) {
>>>>>       // exclude any items with chars we don't want, just in case
>>>>> someone is playing
>>>>>       if(!preg_match('/^[-A-Z0-9\., ]+$/iD', $city)) continue;
>>>>>       // print the city
>>>>>       echo "\n\t<li>" . htmlspecialchars($city) . "</li>";
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     echo "\n</ul>";
>>>>>   } else {
>>>>>     echo "\n<p>No items selected</p>";
>>>>>   }
>>>>>   echo "\n<p><a href='index.html'>Try Again?</a></p>";
>>>>>   echo "\n</body>\n</html>";
>>>>> } else {
>>>>>   // if someone arrived here not having started at example.html
>>>>>   // then show example.html instead
>>>>>   require("index.html");
>>>>> }
>>>>> It seems to me that there is an entire html document in this php file.
>>>>>  --
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