I  just wrote my own way to do it yesterday which worked great. I would
love it to go upstream.

It's just a standard file upload with the multiple attribute.

here's the entire thing: it spits out a form.

my db looks like this:

    Field('username', 'string'),
    Field('filename', represent = lambda x, row: "None" if x == None else
    Field('up_file', 'upload', uploadseparate=True,
    Field('up_date', 'datetime'),
    Field('up_size', 'integer', represent= lambda x, row:
quikr_utils.sizeof_fmt(x) ),
    Field('notes', 'text'))

my contorller

def submit():
  import datetime

  form = FORM(LABEL("File(s):"), INPUT(_name='up_files', _type='file',
_multiple=''), BR(), LABEL("Notes:"), TEXTAREA(_name='notes'),

  if form.accepts(request.vars, formname="form"):

    if hasattr(request.vars, 'up_files'):
      if len(request.vars.up_files) > 0:

        files = request.vars['up_files']
        if not isinstance(files, list):
          files = [files]

        for f in files:
          print f.filename
          up_file = db.uploads.up_file.store(f, f.filename)
          i = db.uploads.insert(notes=request.vars.notes,
up_file=up_file,filename=f.filename, username = auth.user.email, up_date=

        redirect(URL('data', 'index'))
        form.errors.up_files = "No files selected"

  return dict(form=form)

On 8 January 2014 10:14, Brando <bhe...@trustcc.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to use 
> jQuery-File-Upload<http://blueimp.github.io/jQuery-File-Upload/>to implement 
> multiple file uploads.  I'm using this
> tutorial<http://in10min.blogspot.com/2013/04/web2py-implement-multiple-files-upload.html>
>  as
> well as this sample app 
> HERE<https://bitbucket.org/xavrenard/multiupload_module/src>.
> Is there something in the standard web2py build that would be preventing
> the proper javascript or CSS from running?  The sample app should work
> right out of the box; however, no buttons are displayed.
> Has anyone successfully implemented this on web2py before?
>  --
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