Is there any way to keep the time at which recurring tasks run from 
drifting? I've got several daily tasks that over time go from running at 
say 10am to 10:30am - it seems like each consecutive run is 20 seconds or 
so behind the previous day's. Is this simply a matter of the next execution 
time being set based on the ending time of the current run rather than the 
starting time?  If I want to better enforce running at a certain time daily 
do I need to resort to having a maintenance task run say once a week and 
reset the next run time of the daily tasks so they don't drift too far? I 
suppose that this isn't too much of an issue for tasks that run on a more 
regular basis like once a minute to process constantly updated queues, but 
for things that you want to run at a certain set time it's a bit annoying.


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