In controller "default", I have defined
def user():
      return dict(form=auth())
and the usual /myapp/default/user/login etc works just fine

In another controller"patient" I have functions like

def somecontroller()
       do something

In the model, I have set
auth.settings.on_failed_authorization=URL(r=request,c='default', f='user/login')
auth.settings.logout_next=URL(r=request, c='default', f='user/login')
auth.settings.login_next=URL(r=request, c='patient', f='index')

When the session times out or I try to access the page unauthorized,
it always redirects me to
instead of

So why do I not end up at /myapp/default/user/login but at
/myapp/patient/user/login instead,  when not authorized???


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