Is there a more lenient version of what_I_want that will give me based on 
what I put in? For example,

If I just want all people named Bob, it would return all people named Bob.

If I just want all people named Bob or nicknamed Bobcat, then I wlll get 
all people named Bob or nicknamed Bobcat.

If I just want all people nicknamed Bobcat who also have item1, item2, then 
I get all people nicknamed Bobcat with item1,item2

If I just want all people named Bob and nicknamed Bobcat and have item1, 
and clothing1, clothing2, then I get all people named Bob and nicknamed 
Bobcat with item1, clothing1, clothnig2

Right now if I do:

what_i_want = (
   ('Bob') &
   ('item1') &

I get results. But if I do:

what_I_want = (

It doesn't return any rows.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 3:14:09 AM UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:
> why the hassle of using joins like those ones ?
> If you're not fond of searching through left joins, and you still want 
> your whole dataset "consistent", and a search "a-la-fulltext".....better do 
> something like this
> whole_set = (
>      ( == db.clothing_person.person_id) &
>      ( == db.clothing_person.clothing_id) &
>      (db.item_person.person_id == &
>      (db.item_person.item_id ==
> )
> then, you can search it as 
> what_I_want = (
>     ( == 'Bob') &
>     ....
>     ( == 'item1')
> )
> rows = db(whole_set)(what_I_want).select()
> On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 6:29:10 AM UTC+1, Apple Mason wrote:
>> I want to search across some many to many tables, but with certain 
>> conditions.
>> db.define_table('person',
>>     Field('name', 'string'),
>>     Field('nickname', 'string'))
>> db.define_table('clothing',
>>     Field('name', 'string'))
>> db.define_table('item',
>>     Field('name', 'string'))
>> db.define_table('item_person',
>>     Field('person_id', 'reference person'),
>>     Field('item_id', 'reference item'))
>> db.define_table('clothing_person',
>>     Field('person_id', 'reference person'),
>>     Field('clothing_id', 'reference clothing'))
>> How would I find all people who have the name 'Bob' or nickname 'Bobcat' 
>> AND have items called 'item1' and 'item2' AND have clothing 'clothing1' ?
>> For example, these are valid results:
>> Bob has item1, item2 and clothing1
>> Bobcat has item1, item2 and clothing1
>> Would I use a join for this? Maybe something like:
>> db( ('Bob')) | 
>> ('Bobcat')).select(db.person.ALL, join=[
>>                     db.item_person.on( ( 
>> & (('item1') & ('item2'))),
>>                     db.clothing_person.on( 
>> ( 
>> & ('clothing1'))
>> ])
>> But that doesn't seem correct.

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