trying to schedule a task with the scheduler in this way:

scheduler.queue_task('test_networking', pvars=dict(body=oldbody),
            # do un minuto per riavviare l'interfaccia
            start_time = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=1),
            # periodo di test (default 10 min)
            stop_time = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=testperiod),
            # test ogni 120 secondi
            period = 120,
            # illimitato per il periodo impostato
            repeats = 0

I get this traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/scheduler.py", line 238, in executor
    result = dumps(_function(*args, **vars))
  File "applications/paytorpanel/models/scheduler.py", line 61, in
    repeats = 0
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/scheduler.py", line 983, in
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/dal.py", line 9020, in
    response.id = self.insert(**new_fields)
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/dal.py", line 9003, in insert
    ret =  self._db._adapter.insert(self, self._listify(fields))
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/dal.py", line 1304, in insert
    query = self._insert(table,fields)
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/dal.py", line 1294, in _insert
    values = ','.join(self.expand(v, f.type) for f, v in fields)
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/dal.py", line 1294, in <genexpr>
    values = ','.join(self.expand(v, f.type) for f, v in fields)
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/dal.py", line 1503, in expand
    return str(self.represent(expression,field_type))
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/dal.py", line 1921, in represent
    obj = obj()
  File "/home/paytor/web2py.mini/gluon/scheduler.py", line 470, in now
    return self.utc_time and datetime.datetime.utcnow() or
AttributeError: type object 'datetime.datetime' has no attribute 'datetime'

could it be a bug in scheduler or I'm doing something wrong?

I'm using this version of web2py: Version

Thanks a lot



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