On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:15:20 PM UTC-8, Joe Barnhart wrote:
> I have a model file "0_globals.py" which I have under source control.  It 
> defines overall constants for the site, including the connection string. 
>  On each development machine I have a file "1_locals.py" which overrides 
> selected variables in the globals file.  It is NOT under source control and 
> is unique for each development machine (since I code from a variety of 
> machines).
> Model files are loaded in alphabetical order, so the 0_globals file is 
> loaded first, then some constants are overwritten by 1_locals.  This is 
> simple and "grut" but it works amazingly well.  It also works without any 
> special features of the source code control system (I don't use git but 
> mercurial).

Niphlod's technique of source-controlling the locals file under a different 
name (e.g., 1_locals_sys5) and then renaming it after the pull/clone would 
still work.  This would allow you to track how a system is configured, 
especially if it needs to evolve for new apps.  This doesn't require any 
special features in mercurial, just an entry on your installation checklist 
to make sure you do the rename (or copy).  But as long as you have the file 
recoverable *in some way*, you should be good.



> -- Joe B.
> Globals
> # coding: utf8
> from gluon import current
> from gluon.storage import Storage
> from gluon.custom_import import track_changes
> settings = Storage()
> current.settings=settings
> # Override any settings in a file called 1-locals.py
> # but do NOT include the local file in the HG repo
> # AVOID changing this file, which IS in the repo.
> settings.title = 'My Wunnerful Website'
> settings.subtitle = XML('Some clever tagline goes here!')
> settings.author = 'me_ofcourse'
> settings.author_email = 'ad...@mysite.com <javascript:>'
> settings.keywords = ''
> settings.description = ''
> settings.layout_theme = 'Default'
> settings.formstyle = 'bootstrap'
> settings.table_page_size = 25
> settings.upload = None
> settings.fake = False
> settings.scheduler = True
> settings.use_blob = False
> settings.migrate = True
> settings.migrate2 = True
> settings.lazy = True
> settings.database_uri = 'postgres://wouldntyoulike:toknow@localhost/mydb'
> settings.pool_size = 10
> track_changes(True)
> # stripe DEVELOPMENT keys.
> settings.stripe_secret = 'sk_test_sorrynocanseesecretkey'
> settings.stripe_public = 'pk_test_sorrynocanseepublickey'
> # janrain keys.
> settings.janrain_key = 'somebiggobbledygookkeyhere'
> settings.janrain_domain = 'secure-swim-smarter.com'
> settings.janrain_appid = 'anotherrandomlookingthinghere'
> T.current_languages = ['null']
> Locals:
> # code: utf8
> # Settings for site on my iMac computer
> settings.migrate = False
> settings.migrate2 = False
> #settings.lazy = False
> #settings.database_uri = 
> 'postgres://mylocalname:andpassword@localhost/mydb'
> #settings.pool_size = 10
> #track_changes(False)
> #settings.use_blob = False
> settings.scheduler = False
> #settings.fake = True
> On Sunday, February 16, 2014 1:20:05 PM UTC-8, Tim Richardson wrote:
>> postgres has peer authentication. 
>> If I have mapped OS user www-data to a postgres role, and if apache runs 
>> as www-data, can I use peer authentication in web2py and therefore not code 
>> a password in?
>> It seems that the connection string is parsed for user and password.
>> The main reason I want to avoid a password is that it having a different 
>> password in development and production becomes a nuisance. 
>> However, everyone must have this inconvenience; what's the solution that 
>> I'm missing? (I use git between development and production)

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