I use the absolute path in my code.  Also, you should be able to make this 
work without the define tables....


On Monday, March 3, 2014 11:22:44 PM UTC-6, Gwayne aka Mike Veltman wrote:
> O well the situation is as follows, I have a database and created a web2py 
> webinterface with it. But I also have create some commandline tools that 
> reverence the database. 
> So I wondered if there was a easy way to include dal in the scripts and 
> talk to the database. 
> So webgui is the webinterface of the deployment application.
> Jim I want to use the database so I guess I need the define tables
> I tried to to it as explained in the ebook but I got a error (with mongodb)
> Btw is the path_to_application_databases relative to web2py path or 
> absolute ?
> Thanks as always btw
> Actually now I got it working. Mmm, so I just have to add a function that 
> checks if its called from within web2py or from the outside. 
> Thanks Jim for making me look at it again. I had not done the define 
> tables.
> On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 00:03:10 UTC+8, Anthony wrote:
>> In a script, you can just import it like any other Python module. Not 
>> sure what you mean by calling it from "the webgui".
>> Anthony
>> On Monday, March 3, 2014 3:58:39 AM UTC-5, Gwayne aka Mike Veltman wrote:
>>> I will actually call dal from within some scripts and from the webgui. 
>>> What would be the best and cleanest way to do that ?

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