yes, for some backends, a default is necessary for notnull.

On May 28, 3:40 am, vihang <> wrote:
> Thanks Annet for suitably describing my issue. The issue is that, I
> cannot have a default value in the column. I would prefer an error is
> raised if the value is not provided... Nevertheless I will try to use
> the default for now.
> @Massimo,  At first I did add the NOT NULL later. But then i tried
> afresh with a new database, but that too did not work. I was wondering
> whether a default is essential with a notnull, since the databases do
> not really need the default.
> Thanks
> On May 28, 10:33 am, wrote:
> > Massimo,
> > Vihang is right. In my model I defined the following table:
> > db.define_table('adres',
> >     SQLField('bedrijf', db.bedrijf, default='', notnull=True),
> >     SQLField('adressoort', length=30, default='Vestigingsadres',
> > notnull=True),
> >     SQLField('straat', length=42, default='', notnull=True),
> >     SQLField('huisnummer', length=6, default='', notnull=True),
> >     SQLField('huisnummerextensie', length=6),
> >     SQLField('postcode_cijferdeel', type='integer'),
> >     SQLField('postcode_letterdeel'),
> >     SQLField('plaats', length=42, default='', notnull=True),
> >     migrate='adres.table')
> > db.adres.bedrijf.requires=IS_IN_DB(db,, '%(bedrijfsnaam)
> > s')
> > db.adres.adressoort.requires=IS_IN_SET(['Statutair
> > vestigingsadres','Vestigingsadres','Postadres'])
> > db.adres.straat.requires=[IS_LENGTH(42,error_message=T('length exceeds
> > 42')), IS_NOT_EMPTY()]
> > db.adres.huisnummer.requires=[IS_LENGTH(6,error_message=T('length
> > exceeds 6')), IS_NOT_EMPTY()]
> > db.adres.huisnummerextensie.requires=IS_LENGTH(6,error_message=T
> > ('length exceeds 6'))
> > db.adres.postcode_cijferdeel.requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_MATCH('\d
> > {4}',error_message=T('no match 4 digits')))
> > db.adres.postcode_letterdeel.requires=IS_NULL_OR(IS_MATCH('[A-Z]
> > {2}',error_message=T('no match 2 capitals')))
> > db.adres.plaats.requires=IS_IN_DB(db, db.plaats.plaats, '%(plaats)s')
> > In pgAdmin the SQL reads like:
> > CREATE TABLE adres
> > (
> >   id serial NOT NULL,
> >   bedrijf integer,
> >   adressoort character varying(30) NOT NULL,
> >   straat character varying(42) NOT NULL,
> >   huisnummer character varying(6) NOT NULL,
> >   huisnummerextensie character varying(6),
> >   postcode_cijferdeel integer,
> >   postcode_letterdeel character varying(32),
> >   plaats character varying(42) NOT NULL,
> >   CONSTRAINT adres_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id),
> >   CONSTRAINT adres_bedrijf_fkey FOREIGN KEY (bedrijf)
> >       REFERENCES bedrijf (id) MATCH SIMPLE
> > )
> > I didn't add the notnull=True later. In my applications this doesn't
> > raise any problems, the IS_IN_DB() validator prevents the field from
> > being empty. Furthermore, since the field is a foreign key I set
> > writable=False, and it gets its value programatically.
> > db.adres.bedrijf.writable=False
> > db.adres.bedrijf.default=auth.user.bedrijf
> > This is not a generic solution but it works for me. However, when you
> > have other applications connecting to the database this is an issue,
> > but why not set NOT NULL in pgAdmin using the columns properties
> > option?
> > Vihang,
> > When you set a notnull=True, you should also set a default='' or
> > whatever value. See this thread:
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Annet.
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