I have a ssh code using javascript. I would like to know whether ssh for a 
remote server need to be done in view or controller ? I am using jquery 
because, I want to add remote machine to table and turn link into green / 
red based on remote server being active. I am completely new to web2py and 
now I am confused to weather I need to put ssh session in view or 
controller since I am using javascript ? Below is ssh code.


function ping(ip, callback) {

    if (!this.inUse) {
        this.status = 'unchecked';
        this.inUse = true;
        this.callback = callback;
        this.ip = ip;
        var _that = this;
        this.img = new Image();
        this.img.onload = function () {
            _that.inUse = false;

        this.img.onerror = function (e) {
            if (_that.inUse) {
                _that.inUse = false;
                _that.callback('responded', e);

        this.start = new Date().getTime();
        this.img.src = "http://"; + ip;
        this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
            if (_that.inUse) {
                _that.inUse = false;
        }, 1500);
var PingModel = function (servers) {
    var self = this;
    var myServers = [];
    ko.utils.arrayForEach(servers, function (location) {
            name: location,
            status: ko.observable('unchecked')
    self.servers = ko.observableArray(myServers);
    ko.utils.arrayForEach(self.servers(), function (s) {
        new ping(s.name, function (status, e) {

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