I tried posting this earlier, but it doesn't seem to have appeared yet - so 
apologies if this comes up twice.

I am writing a web2py application which accepts a UK postcode then provides 
information about nearby postcodes. I have tried two methods, both of which 
work fine when the number of nearby postcodes is relatively few (less than 
a hundred).

Method 1 uses the *contains *method as follows

query &= db.t_properties.f_postcode.contains(result)

where *result *is the list of nearby postcodes

Method 2 does the query first and then uses *exclude* to eliminate the 
unwanted rows as follows

rows.exclude(lambda row: row.f_postcode not in result) 

However, when the list of postcodes is larger (>about 100), both methods 
are failing. Method 1 appears to fail because of inherent limitations of 
sqlite (https://sqlite.org/limits.html - SQLITE_LIMIT_VARIABLE_NUMBER - 
albeit that refers to a limit of 999 rather than 99). Method 2 fails with 
the message:

<type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'> maximum recursion depth exceeded in cmp

Now, I'm pretty sure that I can solve it by moving to MySQL or another db 
but I'm pretty sure that I'm not doing the query in the optimal way. Can 
anyone give any advice as to the correct / most efficient way to accomplish 


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