there are plenty of libraries more focused on the encryption. As any other 
thing where math, ciphers and security is involved, there is no magic 

On Thursday, April 17, 2014 7:19:22 PM UTC+2, Kiran Subbaraman wrote:
> Just checked and noticed that the encrypt/decrypt are not in gluon.utils. 
> Definitely would like to see them part of web2py, instead of having to 
> include this code in my application.
> Any plans?
> On Wednesday, June 26, 2013 1:53:32 AM UTC+5:30, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Should we include decrypt(key,data) and encrypt(key,data) in gluon.utils?
>> On Tuesday, 25 June 2013 13:42:29 UTC-5, Niphlod wrote:
>>> sorry, cut&paste error.
>>> import gluon.contrib.aes as AES
>>> import threading 
>>> import os
>>> import base64
>>> def fast_urandom16(urandom=[], locker=threading.RLock()):
>>>     """
>>>     this is 4x faster than calling os.urandom(16) and prevents
>>>     the "too many files open" issue with concurrent access to 
>>> os.urandom()
>>>     """
>>>     try:
>>>         return urandom.pop()
>>>     except IndexError:
>>>         try:
>>>             locker.acquire()
>>>             ur = os.urandom(16 * 1024)
>>>             urandom += [ur[i:i + 16] for i in xrange(16, 1024 * 16, 16)]
>>>             return ur[0:16]
>>>         finally:
>>>             locker.release()
>>> def pad(s, n=32, padchar=' '):
>>>     return s + (32 - len(s) % 32) * padchar
>>> def AES_new(key, IV=None):
>>>     """ Returns an AES cipher object and random IV if None specified """
>>>     if IV is None:
>>>         IV = fast_urandom16()
>>>     return, AES.MODE_CBC, IV), IV
>>> def w2p_encrypt(data):
>>>     key = 'asdsaddasdasdas'
>>>     key = pad(key[:32])
>>>     cipher, IV = AES_new(key)
>>>     encrypted_data = IV + cipher.encrypt(pad(data))
>>>     return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(encrypted_data)
>>> def w2p_decrypt(data):
>>>     key = 'asdsaddasdasdas'
>>>     key = pad(key[:32])
>>>     data = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data)
>>>     IV, data = data[:16], data[16:]
>>>     cipher, _ = AES_new(key, IV=IV)
>>>     data = cipher.decrypt(data)
>>>     data = data.rstrip(' ')
>>>     return data
>>> db.define_table('t_test',
>>>                 Field('f_field')
>>>                 )
>>> db.t_test.f_field.filter_in = lambda value : w2p_encrypt(value)
>>> db.t_test.f_field.filter_out = lambda value : w2p_decrypt(value)

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