Okay... I think I see the issue. My web2py is running Python 2.6 and my 
Interpreter is 2.7. dictionary comprehension changed between those 
versions. I'm going to try and construct a dict comprehension for 2.6 and 
try it again.

On Friday, May 2, 2014 3:40:53 PM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
> Okay quick update:
> I loaded a row into python to test the comprehension.
> row = db(db.table.id>0).select().first()
> {f: row[f] for f in db.table.fields} prints out the list fine and its 
> exactly how I"d like to prepopulate my field on the transition form. Thank 
> you for getting me this far.
> However when I try to type vars={f: row[f] for f in db.table.fields})))] I 
> get invalid syntax and the ^ points to the for in the dict comprehension. 
> When I use regular python it works fine. Any thoughts?
> On Friday, May 2, 2014 3:16:24 PM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
>> I just realized I might be running into problems because I'm using 2.3. I 
>> haven't upgraded because the new web2py threw my css off. It looks like 
>> you're referencing the virtual fields?
>> http://web2py.com/books/default/chapter/29/06/the-database-abstraction-layer#Old-style-virtual-fields
>> If you think I should upgrade i'll make the change, but if I could stick 
>> with 2.3 I would prefer to do so
>> On Friday, May 2, 2014 3:10:15 PM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
>>> for this part: {f: row[f] for f in db.table.fields} 
>>> what do I put for fields... could I just leave it as fields?
>>> On Friday, May 2, 2014 11:16:09 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>>> Yes, so you want to pas by a transitionnal form with the data preset 
>>>> base on the copied record values, where you can make the change you want 
>>>> before submit the form. So if you have a grid where you can select the 
>>>> record to copy with the icon you want that link to the transitionnal form, 
>>>> you just have to pass the value of the record to the form throught out URL 
>>>> vars... You can iter like that :
>>>> SQLFORM.grid(..., links=[dict(header='', body=lambda row: 
>>>> A(I(_class='icon some_icon'), _href=URL('transitionnal_form', vars={f: 
>>>> row[f] for f in db.table.fields}))))],)
>>>> This part :
>>>> {f: row[f] for f in db.table.fields}
>>>> Is a dict comprehension...
>>>> Then in transitionnal form controller you do something like that :
>>>> def transition_form():
>>>>     for f, v in request.vars:
>>>>         db.table[f].default = v
>>>>     form = SQLFORM(db.table, ...)
>>>>     ...
>>>> Richard
>>>> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 10:18 AM, LoveWeb2py <atayl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Basically... right now I have a magnifying glass, the pencil, and a 
>>>>> trash can for my records. I want to add a plus next to each one of my 
>>>>> records and when I click on the plus it copies that records values into a 
>>>>> new record and creates a new ID.
>>>>> I can then modify some of the values in the record or keep it the same 
>>>>> if I choose. Does that make sense?
>>>>> On Friday, May 2, 2014 9:57:23 AM UTC-4, LoveWeb2py wrote:
>>>>>> This is very helpful, Richard. I have about 20 fields so I think I 
>>>>>> would have to iterate through the fields and insert the request.vars to 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> database.
>>>>>> Ahhh after looking at your code it looks like that could would write 
>>>>>> a record from one table to another. In this case I just want to copy a 
>>>>>> record from the same table and insert the record as a new ID.
>>>>>> I think the answer will be a combination of your and Oli's approach.
>>>>>> On Friday, May 2, 2014 9:39:46 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>>>>>> What do you mean?
>>>>>>> You can redirect (A('Link', _href=URL(controler, function, 
>>>>>>> vars=dict(pass_your_record_vars_here=record_vars1, ...))) to a 
>>>>>>> function that do what I wrote above... Just pass record value throught 
>>>>>>> vars 
>>>>>>> then request.vars.field1 request.vars.field2 and assign .default= 
>>>>>>> request.vars.field1
>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:33 AM, LoveWeb2py <atayl...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>> Richard,
>>>>>>>> How do I assign this to a button though?
>>>>>>>> On Friday, May 2, 2014 9:30:21 AM UTC-4, Richard wrote:
>>>>>>>>> keepvalues
>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>> row = db(...).select(db.table.record).first()
>>>>>>>>> db.other_table.field1.default = row.field
>>>>>>>>> form = SQLFORM(db.table, ...)
>>>>>>>>> Richard
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:07 AM, Oli <oliver...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I hope this help.
>>>>>>>>>> def copy_and_edit():
>>>>>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>>>>>     copy_and_edit
>>>>>>>>>>     """
>>>>>>>>>>     record = db.t_disciplin(request.args[0])
>>>>>>>>>>     vals = {}
>>>>>>>>>>     for k,v in record.items():
>>>>>>>>>>         if k in db.t_disciplin.fields:
>>>>>>>>>>             if k == 'f_title':
>>>>>>>>>>                 v = v + "_copy"
>>>>>>>>>>                 recname = str(v) # Needed to redirect the page to 
>>>>>>>>>> the right record
>>>>>>>>>>             if k != 'id':
>>>>>>>>>>                 vals[k] = v
>>>>>>>>>>     db.t_disziplin.insert(**vals)
>>>>>>>>>>     rec = db(db.t_disziplin.f_title == recname).select().first()
>>>>>>>>>>     rec_id = rec.id
>>>>>>>>>>     # redirect for edit the new record
>>>>>>>>>>     redirect(URL(r=request, f='konstanten/t_disciplin/edit
>>>>>>>>>> /t_disciplin',args=str(rec_id)))
>>>>>>>>>> Am Freitag, 2. Mai 2014 14:29:26 UTC+2 schrieb LoveWeb2py:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>> There are many times when I just want to copy the values of one 
>>>>>>>>>>> record in my sqlform and create a new record, but modify the 
>>>>>>>>>>> content and 
>>>>>>>>>>> save it. Is there an easy way to do this with web2py or would I 
>>>>>>>>>>> have to 
>>>>>>>>>>> write the code? 
>>>>>>>>>>> Many thanks
>>>>>>>>>>  -- 
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