When I put that in, I get "
 global name 'myform' is not defined"...thoughts?

On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 10:01:13 AM UTC-4, Anthony wrote:
> If you want to include the id in the query string (i.e., ?id=1), then you 
> have to use the "vars" argument to URL() and give it a dictionary:
> URL('album', args=[request.args(0,cast=int), vars=dict(id=myform.vars.id
> )])
> Anthony
> On Tuesday, May 6, 2014 9:13:55 AM UTC-4, Mark Billion wrote:
>> I have an SQLFORM that accepts certain user data, and then needs to 
>> update the record that was just created.  
>> My command reads: 
>>     form = SQLFORM(db.album).process(next=URL('album', 
>> args=[request.args(0,cast=int), *myform.vars.id <http://myform.vars.id>*])) 
>> Both myform.vars.id and form.vars.id fail when included as this second 
>> argument.
>> Thoughts?
>> And as always, I owe everyone on this forum a beer.

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