I've found the issue. The function import_from_csv_file in dal.py calls a 
fix() function which reads the columns of the file and parses the data and 
gives each value a datatype according to the database table's field data 
type. Unfortunately, for any 'date' type, it just passes through this fix() 
function and remains a simple string. This works fine if the value isn't 
used in a computed field that expects a datetime object to be returned by 
the Row object.

I fixed this by changing the fix() function as follows:

        def fix(field, value, id_map, id_offset):
            if value == null:
                value = None
            elif field.type=='blob':
                value = base64.b64decode(value)
            elif field.type=='double' or field.type=='float':
                if not value.strip():
                    value = None
                    value = float(value)
            elif field.type in ('integer','bigint'):
                if not value.strip():
                    value = None
                    value = long(value)
            elif field.type.startswith('list:string'):
                value = bar_decode_string(value)

            ##### begin additional code 
            elif field.type == 'date':
                # assume an ISO date
                if not value.strip():
                    value = None
                    value = datetime.datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d")
            ###### end additional code 

            elif field.type.startswith(list_reference_s):
                ref_table = field.type[len(list_reference_s):].strip()
                if id_map is not None:
                    value = [id_map[ref_table][long(v)] \
                             for v in bar_decode_string(value)]
                    value = [v for v in bar_decode_string(value)]
            elif field.type.startswith('list:'):
                value = bar_decode_integer(value)
            elif id_map and field.type.startswith('reference'):
                    value = id_map[field.type[9:].strip()][long(value)]
                except KeyError:
            elif id_offset and field.type.startswith('reference'):
                    value = id_offset[field.type[9:].strip()]+long(value)
                except KeyError:
            return (field.name, value)

On Monday, May 5, 2014 5:09:21 PM UTC-5, Kyle Flanagan wrote:
> I'm encountering an error when uploading a CSV file when dates are 
> involved in a computed field. Using sqlite, web2py version: 
> 2.8.2-stable+timestamp.2013. (also tested on 
> 2.9.5-stable+timestamp.2014.
> E.g., consider the following table definition in a model:
> db.define_table('POC2',
>                 Field('poc_date', 'date', required=True),
>                 Field('ten_days_before_poc_date', 'date', compute = lambda 
> r: r['poc_date'] - datetime.timedelta(10))
>                 )
> Now, use appadmin to manage the POC2 table and insert a new record. This 
> works as expected. 
> Now, try uploading the following CSV file and importing it into the table:
> POC2.id,POC2.poc_date
> 1,2014-05-30
> The following error appears:
> unable to parse csv file
> unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'datetime.timedelta'
> It appears that r['poc_date'] is passed to the lambda as a string when 
> uploading via CSV, but as a date when going through appadmin. Is this the 
> designed behavior, and is it documented anywhere? 
> I can always test the datatype of r['poc_date'] and convert it to a 
> datetime explicitly, but I don't want to make my code any messier than 
> needed if I'm missing something regarding computed fields and CSV imports.

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