
I've a web2py site, which should run, more or less synchronized, (with the same data) on 2 different servers.

The first one is filling the database.

The second one should copy the db from the first one if the database was refreshed more than 24 hours ago.

So the solution I've in mind is the following:
- on the second system I keep the last refresh of the database in some extra table of this database (I can't find another "global" storage) - when a specific controler is requested on this second system, it checks if the database needs to be refreshed, downloads the database from the first server and copies this over it's own database.

Is replacing the database allowed in a controler ?
Are there better solutions ?


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- http://web2py.com/book (Documentation)
- http://github.com/web2py/web2py (Source code)
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