When BASE is specified in a parameterized router, and an unauthenticated 
session tries to go to the appadmin URL, the admin login controller fails 
to prepend BASE to the value of the hidden form input element 'send', 
causing redirection after authentication to redirect to the wrong URL (the 
one without BASE). The session authentication is successful though, so 
going to the appadmin URL after this will work.

routes.py is the same as routes.parametric.example.py except that

BASE = '/web2py'

Going to:

results in a redirection to:


when send should really =%2Fweb2py%2Fadmin%2Fdefault%2Fdesign%2Fwelcome

This is on 2.9.5-stable+timestamp.2014. with firefox 29. The 
server does use a proxy to do the webserving, but the rewrite rule is just  
http[s]*://host/web2py/(.*) ->$1 and the reverse 
maps*) back to http(s)://host/web2py/$1

Is this a bug? Or is some setup wrong? (Everything else seems to be working 

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